Chapter 6

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For the next two weeks after school I would help Eddie study. He had issues paying attention at times. Mostly cracking jokes, getting distracted by things, or just chatting away from studying. It was tough at times. But overall, I think he was getting better. Each time, Dustin and Robin covered for me. Since my mother didn't like me being around Eddie anymore.  

"I just don't think you should hang out with a boy like Eddie Munson, Julie." Mom told me one afternoon after picking me up from work. 

"Why not? You never had an issue with Eddie until recently." I told her. 

"I've heard some things about that boy, and the way he dresses? I don't like it, Julie." Mom said, "He wears dark clothes, and those rings. Why does he wear those rings?" 

"You shouldn't judge him for how he dresses." I told her, "Eddie has been my friend since middle school. And what have you even heard about him?" 

"I heard from some of my friends that he's been dealing with drugs." Mom told me and I rolled my eyes. 

"Eddie does not do anything revolving around drugs." I lied to her. Eddie did dabble into drugs, and sold some to people. Mostly just pot, but is it really that bad? 

"I just don't know Julie. I really do not want you around that boy." Mom told me, "Your grades are good, and you can go to college next year." 

I let out a sigh and looked out of the window. Mom didn't say anything else during the ride. I wish she and many people would just accept that people can be different than the social norm. 

At least there was a week until Spring Break. Then I don't have to worry about school, or anything and enjoy a week off. I didn't really have anything planned for the week besides some days at work. Maybe I could find something to do. Who knows. 

"Next friday, our campaign will come to an end." Eddie announced at lunch as we all sat at the table. 

"I can't believe it's finally coming to an end." Gareth said and I looked down at my tray. I couldn't look at Gareth after our talk in the hallway. 

"Yeah. The campaign has been amazing." Dustin commented, and Eddie smirked. 

"Well I am the one running it after all, little Henderson." Eddie said, bowing his head slightly and holding out his hands. I rolled my eyes smiling slightly at his cockyness. 

"I can't wait to see the final conclusion of the campaign." I spoke up and took a bite of my pizza. 

"Shame you didn't see the beginning of it." Jeff commented snickering with Gareth and a pretzel hitting his forehead. 

"She had her reasons, and our lost sheep has returned to the flock." Eddie told him and winked at me as Jeff rubbed his forehead. 

"Yeah. I'm sorry for missing out on most of the campaign." I said and stood up with my tray of food. I didn't feel hungry anymore, so I went to put my tray away. Those guys can be jerks sometimes. I understand why they would be that way to me. I already feel guilty enough about abandoning them for most of the year. 

I decided not to return to the table, so instead I went outside and sat down on my bench. It was a nice day out so I wasn't fully alone out there. I saw Tiffany, and her friends out in the grass area laughing about something. 

Us Against the World ★ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now