Chapter 45

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With September around the corner college was about to begin. Things around the house began to settle in. Wayne had moved into the house with Dio a couple of weeks after Eddie, and I. Life was back to normal. 

With my father now officially gone from my life, Wayne had taken his place. He had taken on the role of a father figure for me, much like he had for Eddie. I loved Wayne. He really cared for those who he called family. I'm sure Eddie had filled him in on what happened to Chris. 

True to Steve's word, by the end of Summer, I had managed to get my driving license. My mom with the help of an aunt, ended up gifting me a car from 1978 that they managed to buy used at a local car lot. It wasn't the best, but it would get me around to places I needed to go. Especially when it was time for college. 

As for the baby, things couldn't be better. It was healthy, active, and growing. Less than four months, the baby would be here. I couldn't believe how fast time had gone by. 

When September came, I began my courses at college. On the first day, Jeff had picked me up, and we walked in together. We had a few of our basic classes together, which I was happy about. There was at least someone I knew there. College was so much different from High School. In a way it was better. No one knew me. 

However I did miss Hellfire Club. Having the gang, and Eddie all together was always fun. At lunch I sat with Jeff, who was sitting with some people he had met. 

"Hey Julie." Jeff greeted me as I sat down next to him. 

"Hey. I hope it's okay if I sat with you." I told him. 

"It's fine." Jeff told me with a smile, "So guys, this is Julie. She's a friend of mine. Julie these are some of the people I share some classes with. This is Victoria, James, and Daniel." 

"It's nice to meet you guys." I said, looking at them all, "Are you all freshmen too?" 

"Victoria, and I are." James told me, "But Daniel, here has been stuck at this place for the past seven years." I was a bit surprised, but Daniel did look much older than the three of them. They seemed to know each other very well. Maybe they knew each other before coming here, or they were just quick at making friends. 

"What are you studying, Julie?" Victoria asked me. 

"I'm learning to become a School Librarian." I told her, "What about you?" 

"Arts Major. I want to become an animation artist. I feel like that is my calling." Victoria told me. 

"Right, because cartoons are the future." James laughed, "I am studying for biology. I want to become a scientest to help better humanity." 

"I would not trust you with that power." Daniel said as I began to eat my lunch watching them all. 

"Oh yeah? Then what about you? Mr. I've been in college for seven years. Which major are you trying for this time?" James asked, laughing a bit. 

"Literature." Daniel told him, "I think I'll manage to get it right this time."

"Hopefully." Victoria laughed. 

"You all seem to know each other very well." I commented. 

"Yeah. Victoria, and I went to the same high school." James told me, "Daniel here is my cousin. So I like to tease him a lot." 

"So Julie, I know this is our first time meeting, and I'm probably overstepping with this. But are you expecting?" Victoria asked me, and I nodded my head. 

"Oh yes. I am. It's fine to ask." I told her, and rubbed my belly, "Just threeish months away till the little one is here." 

"Is Jeff the daddy?" James asked, and looked at Jeff while wiggling his eyebrows. 

Jeff began to choke on the soda he was drinking. "Oh no no." Jeff said quickly after his coughing fit ended. "Julie and I are just friends. The father is my other friend from High School, Julies boyfriend, Eddie." 

"Yeah. He doesn't go to college." I told them.

The three of them seemed very understanding, and were great people to be around at lunch. I enjoyed chatting with them. As the day went on, it turned out I had some classes with Daniel, and Victoria. They seemed really great. 

It turned out that Daniel, and I enjoyed some of the same books after speaking about them in class. He was tall with a light tan. I would say he was taller than Eddie by a couple of inches. His hair was slightly past his ears, and light brown in color. His eyes were a light green with freckles of brown in it.  

Victoria seemed really great to have in class. She loved to doodle whenever she could. Her art skills were good. At least with her doodles. I hadn't yet seen her actual art. She was short, with auburn hair that was put up in a pony tail. Her skin was pale, and her eyes were a dark blue. She wore bright makeup on her eyes, cheeks, and lips. It was very colorful, and very fitting to her. 

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