Chapter 47

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AN: I hope the normal life stuff isn't too boring with this story. This story turned out a bit longer than I expected, but enjoy! :D 


Saturday morning, I was woken up by the cries of Joanna. I rolled out of bed, and went over to her. After picking her up, I went to the living room as Eddie began to stir awake. "What is it, Joanna?" I asked as I changed her. She was still crying. Eddie walked into the kitchen in just his pajama bottoms. 

"Maybe she's hungry?" He suggested as he opened the fridge. I went into the kitchen, and began to make her a bottle. Eddie walked into the living room with a bowl of cereal, and turned the TV on.

"Want me to feed you some of my cereal?" Eddie asked me as I sat on the couch feeding Joanna. 

"No, I'll fix my own when she's done." I told him. When Joanna was done, I handed her off to Eddie who happily took her. He rubbed his nose against her own, while I walked to the kitchen. 

After I ate, and cleaned up, I went to our bedroom to get ready for the day. The party didn't start until 8 tonight so we had plenty of time. It was currently eight in the morning, and I had to work around twelve. Eddie had the day off which I was sad about. It was always fun to work with him. Fortunately I wouldn't be alone at work with Robin, and Steve there. 

"Call me if anything happens." I told Eddie as I began to leave at eleven thirty for work. 

"I will. Have a good day at work." Eddie said giving me a quick kiss. 

"Love you both." I told Eddie, and Joanna before leaving the house. 

At work I walked in, and went straight to the back room. Robin was in the room getting her vest one. "Hey Julie." She greeted me, "Can't wait for tonights party. 

"Same. It's been forever since I've been to a party, let alone drink." I told her, "But I also feel bad. I'm a Mom now, should I even be partying?" 

"Yes! You're a great Mom. You're allowed to have one night to party." Robin told me as the door to the room opened. Steve walked in, and greeted both of us. 

"You two excited for tonight?" Steve asked us as I put my vest on. 

"Yep." Robin told him, and walked out of the room to start her shift. 

"Thanks for inviting me." Steve told me as he tossed his vest on. 

"No problem, Steve. I think we all deserve to have some fun tonight." I told him, and left the room. 

The place was packed as usual for the weekends. I stacked the shelves while Steve stood behind the counter, and Robin was stuck cleaning up a spilled slurpee that some kid had dropped. 

"Excuse me, Miss." I heard the familiar voice behind me. I turned around from where I was shelving some movies to see James, and Daniel. I smiled seeing the two of them. 

"Hey guys." I said, "You two looking for a movie?" 

"Yeah. I didn't know you worked here." James said. 

"I mostly work weekends now during the school year." I told him, "What sort of movie are you looking for?" 

"A horror movie." Daniel spoke. 

"Well if you want really scary, Friday the 13th is a good choice." I told them. I set the tapes I had in my hands down on the floor, and walked over to the horror section. I found the movie, and went back to James, and Daniel. "Here you go." I handed the tape over to Daniel, and his hand brushed against mine for a second. 

"Thanks, Julie." Daniel said, and went over to Steve to check out the movie. 

"Daniel says you might be coming to the party tonight." James told me, and I nodded my head. 

"I am." I told him, "It's been a while since I've been to a party. With it being the end of year, why not have some fun." 

James grinned, and nodded his head. "That's the spirit." He laughed, "So you're boyfriend staying home to watch the kiddo?" 

"Uh, he's coming along with a couple of my friends." I told him, and he nodded his head. 

"Cool." He said, and Daniel came back over to us, "Well it was good to see you, Julie. See you tonight." 

"See ya." I said, and the two left the store. 

I went back to stocking the shelves as Robin came over to me. "Who were they?" Robin asked me. 

"Oh some friends from school." I told her, "They're pretty cool." 

"They seem nice." Robin told me, "What's their names?" 

"The brown haired one is Daniel, and the black haired one is James. They're cousins. They got another friend named Victoria. I think you would like her." I told Robin as I stuck a VHS tape on a shelf. 

"I'm surprised Eddie isn't all jealous with those two hanging around you at school." Robin told me, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Eddie has met them a couple of times." I told her, "He seems cool with them, and there's really nothing for him to be jealous about. Eddie knows I love only him."

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