Chapter 53

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After the kidnapping of Joanna, life went on, but we were forever changed. Charlotte Lane was charged with kidnapping, but pleaded mentally insane. The judge sentenced her to therapy, and a mental institution until she is deemed safe to return to the public. She needs a minimum of 5 years of being there before she can be evaluated. 

Joanna had issues adjusting back to a normal life when she returned to us. She was more clingy, and hated it when Eddie or I left her sight. It was tough for Eddie, and I since we both worked, and I had school, but we managed. When school came to an end for Summer break, it got somewhat easier. I always made sure Joanna was with me at all times when we went out for shopping, or just for a stroll. She was no longer allowed to go places unless she was with me, and Eddie. 

Summer came, and went. Dustin had gone off to Summer camp in June to be with Suzie. Joanna began to crawl a lot more around the house to our amazement. She was so fast that even Eddie had trouble keeping up with her at times. Always getting into something.

During July Vickie, and Robin got their own place together. To everyone besides Steve, and I, they were just room mates, but they were dating. I hated that they had to hide that part of themselves. Steve, and I were so happy for them.

When August came, things were going good, and it was still peaceful as ever. Vecna had yet to show his face besides that moment in the gym. The whole group was uneasy though. It was unlike him to go without any incidents for this long. We knew he was out there alive, and in Hawkins somewhere. It made El work even harder to get stronger.

During early fall, I began my second year at college. Just one more year, and I can go back to Hawkins High. One more year until Dustin graduates with Mike, Will, Lucas, Max, and El. They were growing so fast. It felt like yesterday I was meeting Dustin's new friends he had made, and now they were about to become adults.

"So Joanna has a doctor appointment at three today." I told Eddie in the morning hours of a late September day.

"Want me to take work off today?" Eddie asked as he put his shoes on.

"No. I was thinking, I could take her to school with me, and skip out on one of my classes." I told him.

"You sure? Will she be okay there with all those people?" Eddie asked me, and I nodded my head. Having a child was expensive, and we had bills to also pay. Next year when I start my junior year, and can start going to Hawkin's High to work there for extra credits, they would start to pay me for part time. I would still work weekends at the Family Video store with Robin, and Steve. So that would also help us.

"Yeah. I will have her with me at all times." I assured him.

I was not planning on letting Joanna out of my sight. He knew I would never let just anyone take my child, especially with me around. I would kill someone, or sacrifice myself to save her. I would do the same for Eddie. Had almost done... I hated to think if either of us had died that day... Eddie would have never known about Joanna, and Joanna would have never met Eddie. If I had died... Joanna would not be here, and Eddie would be all alone. I am just glad by some miracle, we had been spared.

With both Eddie, and I busy during the week, Joyce had offered to watch Joanna when my Mom couldn't, and when neither Joyce, or my Mother could, Karen Wheeler would. I knew Sue Sinclair would if she could, but she was busy working all the time. I was so happy to have these amazing women in my life that they would help. They all loved Joanna, and Holly especially loved when she would stay at the Wheelers. At first Eddie, and I were uneasy with it, because of Joanna's kidnapping, but they never took her out of their houses.

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