Chapter 22

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Lightning flashed in the sky as we rode our bikes along the road. This Hawkins was so much different than the one I had known all my life. So much decay, and darkness filled this place. I only felt dread seeing it all. Was this the future of Hawkins if Vecna and the Mind Flayer win? 

It was horrible, and I couldn't let that happen. Everyone I loved and knew was in danger. Dustin, Mom, Gareth, Jeff, Todd and so many more. We had to destroy Vecna, one way or another... 

"What is that place?" I asked Steve as we rode along the road. I could see an old house being swarmed by demobats. Was that where Vecna was? 

"The Creel House." Steve told me, which confirmed my thoughts on that being Vecna's base. Why did he like being there, of all places? Sure, it was a big house and probably looked better back in the day, but what was so special about it? 

We began to pedal faster and soon passed the familiar trailer park sign. I could see Eddie's trailer off in the distance. I smiled slightly, glad that we were almost there. 

"It's right here." Eddie said as we rode to it. I got off the bike when we got to the yard. I let out a breath as my legs burned from all of the pedaling. 

"That's gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally." Robin said. 

"We should defientally write them a letter about it." I told her as Steve coughed. 

"I just inhaled a bunch of that crap." Steve said and coughed again, "It's stuck in my throat." 

I walked into the trailer behind Robin and looked up. My gut felt cold, staring up at the ceiling and seeing the portal there. Vines covered the ceiling and it was glowing a vibrant red. 

"Goddamn." Steve said as we looked at it. 

"This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died." Eddie told us, and I could hear his voice crack slightly. I walked over to Eddie and held his hand. I knew he was probably remembering the night of her death at that moment. Being back here for the first time since it happened, must have been tough for him. 

"I think there's something in there." Robin said, and Eddie pushed me slightly behind him as something could be seen moving on the other side of it. Was it Vecna?

"What the hell is that?" Eddie asked, and then seconds later it busted open. Robin and I let out a scream as we all jumped back in fright. I almost tripped because of Eddie nearly falling backwards.  

After the portal was open, Steve slowly walked over to it. We slowly followed him. "No way." Steve said, looking up into it. 

"What is it?" I asked and walked over to him. I looked up and saw Dustin, Max, Lucas and Erika. I let out a breath of relief. "Oh thank God." 

"Hi there." Dustin said, waving at us. 

"Hi." We all replied back. We couldn't believe this was happening. I mean, how was this even possible? It was crazy and went against everything logical. They were upside down, but also standing right side up? 

"Holy shit, this is trippy." Robin said. 

"It really is." I told her and laughed. 

"Bada-bada-boom!" Dustin screamed out excitedly, "Now let's get you guys here." 

While we stood there in the upside down, Dustin began to tie some bedsheets together to make us a rope, while Max and Lucas grabbed Eddie's mattress. They tossed it on the ground and I scratched the back of my neck, nervously seeing the stains. Seriously... 

"Those stains are, uh..." Eddie began nervously and looked at us, "I dunno what those stains are." 

"Mmm-hmm." Robin said, looking at him and then at me. I looked away from her quickly as my cheeks began to turn red and crossed my arms. 

"Not quite sure how these physics work. But, uh... here goes nothing." Dustin said, and tossed the makeshift rope up into the portal. 

Us Against the World ★ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now