Chapter 34

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The past two days went by quickly. Nothing too exciting went on. Mostly life returning to somewhat normal. People began to somewhat begin to ignore Eddie's presence at school. Jason and his friends still glared at everyone in Hellfire. I knew he wanted to do more for us, but he was holding himself back.

Saturday, work had been packed with many people wanting to rent some movies for the weekend. Steve even managed to snag a date with two women so far. Robin and I made sure to make comments about it during the day. 

"Will this be number three?" I asked Robin Sunday morning as we stood behind the counter while Steve dealt with a customer. 

"I don't know. She doesn't look that interested in him." Robin said, looking at the woman. 

Keith was working that day with us, and had been watching Steve with the woman. He seemed jealous. Poor Keith. The bell at the front door rung, and I saw Vickie walk in. 

"Oh I think that customer over there needs some help!" I quickly said as Robin was staring at Vickie. Robin quickly looked at me nervously. 

"Julie! Don't leave me alone!" She yelled in a whisper, but I gave her a wink. 

"Go get her, tiger." I told her and went to help an older man looking at the classic section. I began to help the man who was looking for a certain movie. His eyesight was failing so he couldn't really see the one he wanted. He told me the name, and I began to search the shelves. I kept my eyes on Robin, who was talking to Vickie nervously. I smiled, seeing her laugh a little at something Vickie had said. 

They were so cute together. I turned back to the shelf and found the tape he had wanted. "Here you are, sir. Are there anymore movies, you are looking for?" I asked him, handing the man his tape. 

"No, this is all I wanted. Thank you, miss." He told me, and I walked over to the counter. I began to type away at the computer to where his account was while keeping my ears on the conversation between Vickie and Robin. 

"So do you have plans later?" Vickie asked Robin. 

"I-I uh, no." Robin replied nervously, "I don't have anything plan. Why do you ask?" 

"I was thinking, we could go to the park later." She said, and quickly added "With the other band members too. We got two weeks left of school, and well I thought it could be fun for us all to get together." 

"Uh, yeah. That would be great." Robin told her, "Will anyone else be there?" 

"No, just us." Vickie told her, "But if you're seeing someone, they are welcome." 

"Oh, I'm not seeing anyone. I was just wondering, in case if a friend wanted to come." Robin told her quickly. 

"Oh okay." Vickie replied, "I'm not seeing anyone either, so it's okay." 

The old man cleared his throat as I was watching Vickie and Robin. I turned to the old man, and rang him up. I gave him the tape and put the money in the cash register. Was Vickie telling Robin she was single? Was she hinting at something? I didn't want to stay around them so they could have privacy, so I went over to Steve, who was chatting away with the woman from earlier. 

"Hey Steve." I said. 

"Hey, uh I'm helping a customer here." Steve said. 

"I know, but I need some help with a thing." I told him and looked at the woman, "If you're looking for a movie, our manager Keith would be happy to help." 

The woman looked over to Keith, who smiled and waved at her. She didn't seem too happy, but went over to him anyway. Steve turned to me, looking upset. "I know you're mad, but look at our sweet Robin." I told him, and he looked over to Robin, who was grinning at Vickie. The anger on his face quickly went away as he looked so happy for her. 

"She asked her to go to the park with her and the other bandmates." I told him, "She's also single now." 

"Really? What happened to Dan?" Steve asked, and I shrugged my shoulders. 

"No clue, but they're so cute." I told him. 

Us Against the World ★ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now