Chapter 14

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Time went quickly the rest of the week after Tuesday. At school things were going easy as it was almost time for Spring Break. There were a couple of tests, and a few assignments, but over all it was an okay week. It was now Friday. The last day before spring break, and the day that Eddie's D&D campaign would come to an end. I wore my Hellfire Club shirt and with the weather being somewhat warm, I wore a thin dark green jacket.

"Don't come in, I'm naked!" I heard Dustin shout from his room. I looked down the hallway to see Mom slam the door shut quickly. I laughed and went into the kitchen and grabbed a pop tart.

I ate it while waiting for Dustin to come out of his room. He soon joined me for a pop tart. We left the house soon after he was done eating and rode our bikes to school. Placing my bike on the rack, I looked around as everyone started walking towards the gym for the assembly to celebrate a basketball game.

I waved at Eddie, seeing him in the distance with Jeff, Gareth and Todd. I jogged over to them. "Morning guys." I greeted them and Eddie placed his arm around my shoulder.

"Let's go celebrate our wonderful basket ball team." Eddie said sarcastically. We all were not looking forward to it, but we did get out of our morning class.

"Go Tigers." I yawned as the cheerleaders started doing their routine. At least the band sounded great. I looked over and saw Robin. I gave her a thumbs up, but she was looking at Vickie.

"And let's hear it for your Tigers!" The announcer said excitedly as the crowd cheered, seeing the basketball team run through a brown paper sign.

"Good morning Hawkins High!" Jason shouted out, "First off... Hey. First off, I'd like to thank each and every one of you."

I stopped paying attention to what Jason was saying and was hoping it would end soon. However, I was drawn back to the assembly when Jason started talking about how it's been a tough year for us all.

"And sometimes I wonder, "How much loss can one community take?" On dark days like this, we need something to believe in. So, last night, when we were down by ten points at half to Christian Academy, I looked at my team, and I said. "Think of Jack." "Think of Melissa." "Think of Heather." "Think of Billy." "Think about our heroic police chief, Jim Hopper." With each name he listed, tears came to my eyes. I wiped them away before anyone could notice, but Eddie had. I felt his hand on my shoulder. 

"Think about every one of our friends who perish in that fire." Jason continued, "What did they die for? For us to lose to some....some crap school? No."

"No!" The crowd replied and I shook my head. Using their deaths to hype a crowd for a game? That was wrong. I glanced at my brother, Mike and Max as they stood a few rows away from me. They weren't excited either.

"Thank god that is over." Eddie commented as we left the gym, "See you at lunch Henderson."

"See you at lunch Munson." I replied back as we went to our separate classes.

I walked into class and saw Tiffany laying her head down on her desk. She looked like she was in pain. Lately I noticed she hadn't been acting herself, which was odd. But I didn't question it too much.

Most of my classes were easy to get through since it was the last day before spring break. In the third period we didn't even do anything which was nice for a change. Once the lunch bell rung, I went off to the cafeteria. Eddie was already at the table with his lunch box and everyone else. I noticed he was reading a magazine. Seeing no chair next to Eddie available, I sat next to Jeff.

Us Against the World ★ Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now