Chapter 48

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Cold air suddenly covered my body causing me to stir awake. I let out a groan as my head was pounding against my skull. Daniel was right, I should have only drank one cup of mystery punch. "Morning, sweetheart." I heard Eddie say as he dropped the blanket in his hands that he had yanked it off of me. 

I rolled over onto my back, and glared at Eddie. He was looking at me with a smirk. "You look beautiful this morning." He chuckled, and I sat up. 

"You're just saying that because I'm naked." I told him, and rested my forehead into the palm of my hand, "What time is it?" 

"Almost one." Eddie told me, "Bad hangover?" 

"Yep." I told him, "That mystery punch kicked my ass. I can barely remember what happened last night after my second or third cup." 

"Well you got dared to take one of your friend's shirt off with your teeth." Eddie told me, "James I think?" 

"God that is so embarressing." I muttered, and looked at Eddie, "I don't know how I'm going to show my face at school tomorrow." 

"He seemed pretty happy, so I don't think there's too much to worry about." Eddie told me, and I frowned slightly. He sounded a bit jealous. I didn't want to push on the matter, because it was just a game. 

I did remember that Eddie had given some random girl a lap dance. I wasn't upset over that, well I was slightly... 

"Have you heard from my Mom?" I asked Eddie as I got out of bed. It was best to just change the subject. Forget about last night, and move on. I swayed a bit as my balance felt uneven. Eddie quickly helped steady me. 

"Still drunk?" Eddie asked me, and I shook my head. 

"Just hungover." I told him, and went to the closet. I picked out a simple dress, and slipped it on  after I put on some lace underwear. Eddie stood there, and just watched me. I walked out of the room, and went to the bathroom. After using the restroom, I took a pain killer for the headache, and my birth control. After the birth of Joanna, I immediately started taking it. No more children for us. At least for now.

"So my Mom?" I asked Eddie as I walked back into the bedroom. He was making the bed.

"Oh, right. Uh, yeah. She said she'll be here this evening with Joan." Eddie told me, "Your Mom wanted to take her out to Church, and then to the park for a bit." 

"Seriously? After the whole town thought you were a cult leader for the Devil?" I asked Eddie looking at him, "She takes Joanna to church?" I grew worried, because I knew how crazy these town folks could be. It's been a year since Vecna, but people haven't forgotten about it. Some people still believed what Jason had to say. 

It was mostly dirty looks given to Eddie, and I in passing, the occasional prank call, a letter in our mail box calling Eddie a satanic cultist, or people shouting at the house as they drove by if we were outside. Some of those people, I knew were from the church in town. The same one, my Mother went too. 

"It'll be okay. They won't do anything to Joanna." Eddie told me as he placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"They know you are her father. Who knows what one of those psychos might do? Remember they wanted you dead." I told him, "I don't want her to go there." 

I walked out of the bedroom, and grabbed my purse. Eddie was following behind me. "Julie, wait." Eddie called out as I reached for the front door. I paused, and turned to him. Eddie was probably right that they might not do anything to her, but I didn't want to risk my baby's safety.

"What?" I asked him. 

"I don't like it either, but Joanna is with your Mother. I know she will keep her safe." Eddie told me, and I let out a sigh. "We can tell your Mom not to take her next time." 

"It's just I don't want anything bad to happen, and us not be there to protect her." I told him. 

"I know. I want to keep her safe too, but we can trust your mother to keep her safe." Eddie said, and drew me into a hug, "How about we get some lunch?" 

"Okay." I told him, and we stopped hugging. I looked up to Eddie, and gave him a smirk. "Then maybe you can give me that lap dance you owe me." I paused for a moment as he smirked down at me. "Big boy." I said seductively. 

"How about now?" Eddie said as his hands went to my waist. He drew me close to him, making our lower bodies press against each other. I could feel a warm tingle grow within me. Eddie ran his tongue along his bottom lip as he looked at me. 

"Mm, but what about lunch?" I asked him teasingly. 

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