Chapter 29

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The sound of loud snoring woke me up as I rolled over on the lumpy sofa of the RV. Eddie's arm tightened around my waist and pulled me closer to him. "You're too comfy." Eddie mumbled sleepy, and I laughed a little. I looked up at his face and smiled. 

"Who ever is snoring, I will kill you." I heard Robin muttered from the front of the RV. Eddie opened his eyes and I sat up. I saw Argyle lying on the floor snoring. So that is who Robin was going to kill. Steve was already out of the RV. Probably went to the cabin to escape Argyle's snoring. 

Last night, after catching up with Hopper about Will's connection with Vecna being cut for now, Powell, and Callahan took Jason to the station for the night until Stintson would arrive. It was too late for us to be out on the road, and of course Steve had been drinking a little, so Hopper refused to let him drive us home. 

We all piled into the RV last night and passed out. Nancy and Johnathan took Argyle's van, which is why he was passed out on the floor, snoring currently. I stretched and got off the sofa bed. I tipped toed around Argyle carefully, and walked out of the RV. I went to the cabin where Joyce was making many eggos waffles. Steve was at the table drinking some orange juice with El. 

"Morning." Steve said as I walked to the bathroom. Afterwards, I came out to see Robin waiting for her turn. She rushed past me, as I made my way to the kitchen table. Joyce placed a plate of eggos waffles in front of me, and I thanked her. I covered it in syrup and began to eat it as Eddie walked into the cabin. He walked over to the kitchen and washed his hands in the sink. 

"Morning, Eddie." Joyce greeted him as he sat down at the table. 

"Morning, Joyce." Eddie greeted her back, "Breakfast smells great." 

"Thank you." She told him and placed a plate of eggos waffle in front of him. Eddie thanked her and began to eat. Hopper was drinking a cup of coffee in the living room, and he seemed nervous. I was too. Today could be the start of Eddie's name being cleared of murder. I was happy. 

"What are your plans for today guys?" Joyce asked us. 

"Uh, probably head home." Steve told her and let out a yawn. 

"What time?" Eddie asked him, and he glanced at me. 

"A while." Steve said, noticing Eddie was looking at me. I looked at Eddie and gave him a small smile. Soon we would be able to see each other whenever we wanted. Just a couple of more days. 

When Eddie and I finished eating our breakfast, we went outside. Eddie held my hand and helped me down the stairs. I rolled my eyes since I was better now, but it was sweet of him. I glanced at Argyle's van hearing it rattling. I looked away quickly as Eddie snickered, seeing it rocking. 

"Wonder what they're doing." Eddie said, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Gross." I told him and we walked to the RV. Argyle was buttoning his pants as he came from behind it. 

"Hey, guys." Argyle said and gave us a wave.

"Hey man." Eddie said, "Joyce made breakfast, also I would avoid going to your van for a moment." 

"Byers is finally getting himself some hankey pankey." Argyle said proudly, and Eddie nodded his head. 

"That he is, my friend." Eddie told him. 

"All right. Well I'm going to go load up on some grub. Tomorrow pizza night, you gotta come Julie." Argyle told me. 

"I'll try." I told him smiling. Argyle went to the cabin, leaving just the two of us outside. Eddie wrapped his arms around me, and held me there. 

"It was nice waking up beside you." He told me, and I wrapped my arms around him. 

"It was. I missed being stuck with you at Rick's place. It was a chaotic time, but I did enjoy our time together there." I told him. 

"Me too. For the most part." Eddie told me and held me out at arms length. He looked down at me and smiled, "And soon I will have my life back. Then we can do whatever the hell we want." 

"I can't wait." I told him, "I just hope everything goes to plan." 

"It will." Eddie told me, "It has too." 

"Dustin and the other will be so happy to have you back as their leader. Even if it's for two weeks." I told him. 

"Two weeks. Man." Eddie said, shaking his head, "Can't believe it, Henderson. I'm finally going to graduate." 

"You have a ton of work to catch up on." I told him, "But with my help, you will pass." 

Eddie grinned and gave me a quick peck on the lips. "I love you so much." He told me. 

"I love you too, Eddie. I always will no matter what." I told him. 

"Even if I go bald?" He asked and I laughed. 

"Are you trying to jinx it?" I asked him and he shook his head. 

"Hope not." He told me, and looked at the drive way that we could barely see. I looked and saw a black car pull into the drive way followed by Chief Powell and Officer Callahan. A woman got out of the car and she wore a suit. She looked angry, unless that was normally how she looked? 

"That must be the woman they mentioned last night." I told Eddie and he nodded his head. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the cabin. Chief Powell and Officer Callahan watched Eddie carefully as he stopped by the stairs. I could tell he was nervous to be around them. I gave Eddie's hand a small squeeze to help comfort him. Everything will be okay. Hopper will make sure of it. 

Hopper answered the door quickly and let everyone inside. We all stood around the living room. There was a thickness in the air. "So which one is Eddie?" Stinson asked, looking at Steve, Johnathan, Argyle and Eddie. Eddie raised his hand. 

"Uh me." He said and looked at her. 

"Your statement will be that some man rushed into your home after following you two from the school after the game. You asked her for help with a school project, and she agreed. Do not mention drugs. The man broke into your trailer, and attacked Chrissy. You tried to fight him off, but you had to escape leaving behind Chrissy. You didn't come to the police, because the man was after you. So you hid. Understand?" Stinson asked him. Eddie nodded his head. "Good tell that to Officer Callahan." 

Eddie and Officer Callahan went outside on the porch. I stood there nervously, waiting for him to return. "Now, I spoke with Chief Powell, and have made plans for a fake body to be here later. He will be the killer, Randell James will be his alias. He's lived out in an old cabin by Lover's Lake. Hopper, you will need to tell the whole town what happened." Stinson said, and Hopper nodded his head. 

"I chased after the man in the mall. I saw him torched the place. He got the upperhand, and knocked me out. Then the guy took me to his cabin by Lover's Lake. Had a home made cell in his basement and kept me locked up there. Tried multiple times to break out, but every attempt failed. Until I got to earn his trust a bit, that is when I attacked him, and broke free." Hopper told her, "I then run off to the police station, and tell them what happened. The cabin will have proof he was the one to kill them all." 

"What about Patrick?" I asked, "There was witnesses there." 

"They witnessed a trumatic event. Of course their minds would make up something." Stinson told me, "You're the girl who saw Patrick's death with Eddie?" I nodded my head. "Good, you and Eddie will have to also make a report on that. Patrick was on shore when the killer appeared out of no where. He attacked Patrick while you and Eddie tried your best to get to him. Anything else?" 

I shook my head. I didn't want to tell her about Tiffany's death. "Good." She said, and Eddie walked back into the cabin with Callahan. "Now Hopper, tomorrow night you will have to break out of that makeshift cell. Run through town, make sure you are seen as you go into the Police Station. We have to make it all look and feel real."  Hopper nodded his head. 

"And Eddie will have to be taken into custody today." Stinson said, and I looked at Eddie with wide eyes. Tears began to form. "Cuff him." 

"Woah woah." Steve said, standing up, not liking that part of the plan. 

"I don't want to go to jail." Eddie said as Officer Callahan pulled out a pair of cuffs. 

"Please don't." I pleaded. 

"Everyone calm the hell down." Hopper shouted, and we all stopped, "If you want Eddie to be free, this is how it has to go down." 

"Fine." Eddie said, and held his wrists out to Callahan, "Just like my old man." I could see tears forming in his eyes. 

"Callahan, take him to the station, but put him in solitary. Do not leave his door, we can't have any nut jobs going into his cell." Chief Powell told him, and Callahan nodded his head, "I'm sorry about this, Eddie." 

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