Chapter 37

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A lot can change in six months. I knew that if I ever came home from that SHIELD facility then nothing would be the same. But some part of me, the naive part of me, hoped that it could. Hoped that I could go back to school with Peter. Hoped that I could finally get that first date with Bucky. Hoped that I could see my family again. Hoped that I would still be Jessica Stark. But that can't happen. Because I can't go back to school with Peter, and I moved halfway across the world before I could get that date, and because I don't feel like Jessica Stark anymore...


Due to time differences, Bucky only arrived in London in the middle of the night and not from a lack of trying but I had fallen asleep when he came to the apartment. My security let him in but because of this, I didn't get to see him until the next day

"Good morning sleepyhead" His voice coming from right above me. I open my eyes and see him fully dressed, holding a breakfast tray by the side of the bed

"Morning" I croak out as I sit up and he places the tray on my lap "What's all this for?"

"Can't I treat my girlfriend to breakfast in bed?" He smiles whilst laying on the bed on his side, propping his head up with one hand

"You technically never asked me to be your girlfriend" I smirk whilst pointing to him with my fork, knowing that I got him on a technicality

"We've been together for half a year, it's pretty safe to say I'm your boyfriend"

"Nope, not until you ask me" I take a bite of the French toast he's made for me and it's heavenly. I try to repress my smile, so he doesn't get too cocky

"Ok then you brat, will you be my girlfriend?"

"I'll have to think about it... can I get back to you?" I smile widely and he just scoffs in return "I'm sorry for running again"

"Are you kidding? I've always wanted to come to London" He's trying his hardest to be nice about the situation, but I know me leaving again bothered him. No, not bothered... hurt. It hurt him

"We can do anything you want today, after ten o clock" I quickly add on

"Why after ten?" He asks suspiciously

I clear my throat before beginning the awkward conversation "I'm meeting with my therapist"

"Therapist? Jessica, is everything ok?!" He sits up fully facing me down, concern is clearly written all over his face

"With everything that's happened I just need someone to talk to that isn't in our family and I've spoken with Dr Bailey before"

"About when you were a kid?" He says quietly and I just nod in response. He removes the tray from my lap, putting it on his bedside table and he swiftly attaches himself to my side. He wraps me safely in his arms and places his head on top of mine "How about after your session you show me to all your favourite places? And then maybe I give in and agree to a Harry Potter marathon" I could hear the smile in his voice and that was enough for me to pull away excitedly and begin to get ready. As I run into my walk-in wardrobe, I can hear his deep laugh fill the entire place and it made me think... could me and Bucky be happy here together?


A few hours later, I'm sat in Dr Bailey's office nervously picking my nails as I wait for her to join me

"It's been a while Jessica" She says when she finally walks into the room "Truth be told, I was hoping to never see you again"

"Sorry to disappoint doc but my life seems to have gone to shit"

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now