Chapter 4

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TW of sexual/physical abuse & death in this chapter

"Steve? Why are you here?" I say surprised

"I wanted to make sure you're ok"

"And you couldn't have done that through our joining bathroom?" I say pointing to the gap that joins both our rooms

"I though that would be weird for you"

"No weirder than you leaving your room to knock on my door in the middle of the night"

"Sorry I'll go"

"No Steve, I'd enjoy the company actually" I say as i move to the other side of my bed

He comes to sit next to me and lets out a massive sigh

"What's on your mind cap?" I say nudging him slightly

"Bucky told me that he told you" He says looking at me worriedly

"Did he also tell you about the guy I punched?" I stupidly admit

"No...but we'll circle back to that" He continues "You know I love you so much right, you're the daughter I never got to have"

"I know, that's why whatever you're about to tell me is going to be for the best right?"

"How did you know?" He asks looking genuinely puzzled

"I've known you for nearly 15 years Steve, I know exactly when you're about to give me bad news"

"You're in a lot of danger, you could possibly die Jess, none of us want that"

"That's so selfish!" I say, Steve looks so shocked at what I just said "You want to alter the future just because you don't want to get hurt. That's not very 'Avenger' of you Steve. If this Dr Strange saw me in pain then it means I have to be in pain, if he says I'm the saviour of the Avengers then I'm the saviour of the Avengers and if he says that I might die then guess fucking what Steve, I might have to die!"

He looks so hurt for a minute but then his hurt turns into anger, he very rarely gets angry with me

"So that's it huh? You're going to give in, wait for this to happen and leave me, your dad, Bucky, Peter, Nat, Loki...what would we do without you?!" He gets off my bed and just stands facing me "You're not even going to fight!" He says with tears rolling down his face

"I don't want to fight it Steve, don't you see?!" I get up and put my hands on his face to wipe his tears "I get to save you all" My raised voice turns into a whisper. He pulls me into a hug, my face resting on his shoulder "It's our job to protect you" he whispers "Now it's my turn" I whisper back.


I don't remember much after that conversation, I think I fell asleep straight away because when I woke up it was light outside and I was very clearly sleep deprived. I claw my way out of bed and suddenly feel sick in the pit of my stomach after remembering the events of last night. I contemplate even leaving the room at all, I fight against the urge and open my door. I take a deep breathe then step out. I don't hear any noise in the living room, I look round the corner and see that it's because there's nobody there

"Hey FRIDAY, what time is it?"

"It's 9.34 Miss Stark"

"Thank you" I reply. It's strange, usually everyone's here making breakfast but today nothing just silence. I walk over to Bucky's room and open the door a little to see if he's inside, which he isn't. I do the same for Sam and Steve and get the same result

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