Chapter 12

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Loki's POV

Jess lets go of my hand and drops to the floor

"No, no, no not again. Jess wake up!" I shout dropping beside her

"We have to get her to Bruce Loki, something isn't right" Thor puts his hand on my shoulder. I stand up as he picks her up and we travel back to the tower. 

"Bruce!" He yells as storms off to where he thinks Bruce would be. I follow behind looking at her  face, screaming in my head for her to wake up hoping she can hear me

"What's going on?" Bruce says taking off his glasses as Thor carefully puts Jess down on a bed "What happened?" 

"She blacked out again" I blurt out

"Again?" Bruce freezes and looks at me and Thor "This has happened before?"

"Yes, she was out for three days" Thor replies

"What's happened?" Tony shouts as he rushes in "Jess? Baby? Wake up" He shakes her but nothing happens "What did you do?" He grabs me and pushes me onto a wall "You said you'd look after her!!"

"It wasn't Loki, Tony, She just passed out" Thor defends me 

"What's all this yelling about?" Steve walks through the door

"Great more people!" I say sarcastically 

"You shut it" Tony growls and points at me 

"Everyone you need to get out, Loki, Thor you stay" Bruce yells and everyone does as they are told, scared the Hulk may pop out any second 

"Do either of you care to explain why Jess's mind energy levels are through the roof?!" He says through gritted teeth. I look at my brother and down at Jess.

"You cannot speak a word of this to anyone but she was granted powers from the mind stone and then granted powers from the universe" I say

"So she has powers from the mind stone and what else are you saying, she's a god?" Bruce replies

"Not a God but an elemental" Thor adds

"I- I thought that was just a myth, a legend" Bruce mutters back

"Just as we are suppose to be?" I reply

"Fair enough, so what powers does she have exactly?" He asks

"Well, she can manipulate the elements. And as far as the mind stone powers, they keep popping up but her mind powers are far greater than Wanda's" I say

"Well no wonder she passed out. Her energy levels are trying to recuperate. She's been through a lot of changes and her mind and body are trying to catch up" He walks back over to Jess and moves some hair from her face "Her mind is resting and repairing, she'll wake up when she's strong enough" 

I sigh relieved, as does my brother

"I suppose we must tell the others?" Thor asks

"Not about her powers, just say the travelling was too much and she needs rest" I reply. Thor nods and we exit the room. We tell the Avengers exactly what i just told Thor and they all look over at Bruce who nods in confirmation. They all sigh of relief and go back about their business. 


2 days have passed since Jessica blacked out. Jess's friend Bucky has been giving me strange looks as well as Wanda. 

I walk into the room where Jess is and I sit on the chair next to the bed

"I know you like sleeping Jess but this is getting ridiculous now" I laugh weakly waiting to hear the massive roar of laughter that usually follows her. I attempt to see what she could be dreaming about but there's just nothing. Emptiness. Darkness. That's not Jess, she's the brightness, fullest person in the room. Seeing her in this state brought down a sadness I though i repressed long ago. I put my head down on the bed next to her hand as I hold it.  I hear someone walk into the room

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