Chapter 25

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It's now been two months since the death of Jessica Stark and there has been a noticeable difference in the behaviour of the Avengers. Bucky is spending more time with people and Tony takes breaks from Jess's project from time to time. Peter is enjoying school again and Loki has spoken a few times, much to the surprise of Thor who squeezed his little brother a bit too tight when he asked a question. Sam makes meals every Sunday for the entire family, it's gotten livelier and livelier every week. Nobody hardly cries when her name is mentioned anymore

"Mr. Stark requests all Avenger personnel in the living room please" The AI speaks throughout the tower. Everyone slowly but surely gathers in the living room, awaiting Tony's announcement. They speak amongst themselves as Tony and Bruce speed into the room

"We did it!" Tony as much as blurts out

"You did what?" Pietro asks confused

"The Humanoid that Jess was creating!" Tony urges

A flood of compliments and well done's and oh my god's were thrown towards the men, Tony revelling in the attention obviously

"Hang on..." Nat begins "How the hell did you do this?"

"So you believe that my daughter is capable of doing this but not the two smartest people on this planet?!" Tony fumes

"That's exactly what I believe" Nat folds her arms and smirks as Tony narrows his eyes at her

"In all seriousness though... how did you do it?" Bucky asks as he leans against the wall

"We didn't really... it was all Jessie, all her notes and videos" Bruce smiles fondly

"Well... can we see the robot?" Sam beams excitedly

"It's a humanoid dipshit" Bucky corrected

"Same thing" Sam spat back as he walked away

"How?!" Bucky stood there bewilderedly before following after him. Everyone wanders down the the laboratory and gathers round the large metal container. Tony and Bruce mess with a few buttons and interactive holograms before the container makes some strange noises then opens to reveal a human body covered in red

"Vision is technically a synthezoid as he is synthetic but Jess wasn't technically wrong when she said humanoid... I mean look at it" Tony admires the work he finished for his daughter. A few moments pass and the synthezoid's eyes open and it sits up abruptly. It looks around at everyone... Wanda particularly intrigued she lifts her glowing red hand to it's head before whispering "I can feel you..."

"I am Vision..." The humanoid speaks in Jarvis' voice, Tony's breath falters and everyone turns to look at him

"I didn't think I'd hear his voice again" He smiles knowingly what his daughter did for him, out of all the voices she could've uploaded... she chose the one he was fondest of.

"In my awareness.. my creator was named Jessica Stark" He speaks out

"That's right... she is however, no longer with us" Bruce explains

"She is... deceased?" He questions

"Yes" Bucky replies bluntly

"James Buchanan Barnes..." Vision turns his head to look at him "Jessica spoke about you most when she was creating me, I have these conversations wired into my programming"

Bucky's eyes tear up noticeably before forcing himself to look away. Vision looks around at each person again then down at himself

"Oh right! Let's get him some clothes" Steve exclaims, everyone jumping into action to find him clothes whilst Bucky just stays stood there staring

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now