Chapter 14

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I wake up the next morning in my bed to my phone going off. I attempt to ignore it but after the 7th buzz I got annoyed.

                                                               Peter <3 :p

Are you awake? x

Jess? x


1 Missed call

Answer me Jessica

If you don't wake up right now I'm splashing you with water

Right...I'm coming over

With water! 

To throw on you (if you didn't understand)

I immediately shoot up and shove some clothes on

"FRIDAY what time is it?" 

"11.15 Miss Stark"


I swing my door open and run out into the living room where Thor, Loki, Bruce and Sam are currently sat

"Guys seriously don't you have your own floor to live on?!" I shout into the room as I zoom into the kitchen 

"Then we wouldn't get to see your beautiful face everyday!" Sam shouts back 

"Very funny Wilson, I'll tell Steve you said that" I reply as I bite into a apple. Sam's eyes widen in fear and I just laugh

"Tell me what?" Steve walks into the room at the most perfect time. Sam couldn't look more terrified as the rest of us stifle a laugh

"Mr Wilson over here thinks I'm beautiful" I tease as I walk to Steve's side. His face drops and stares directly at Sam

"What have I told you about flirting with Jess?" He growls and I burst out laughing "Oh my god have you guys actually spoke about this?" Steve doesn't say anything and Sam just nods. I laugh again and grab my phone as it begins ringing

"Hey Peter, what's up?" I say as I walk over the the elevator. I send a wink over to a scared Sam as the doors closed. I tell FRIDAY to send me to the Med bay and tell Peter to meet me there too. 

I walk in and Clint is sat with Nat. I send her a little wave and let them carry on their conversation. I head over to Bucky who is talking to a nurse and hold back a laugh as I watch her shamelessly flirt with him. I know it's wrong but I let myself lowering my block and read her mind

*He's so hot, I'm definitely asking him out*

Jealously shot through me. I shouldn't have these feelings, god I don't even know what these feelings are but I know that I don't want him going out with her. I look quickly at Bucky, who's noticed my arrival 

*Damn you get more beautiful every day Doll*

Shit. He knows I'm reading his mind but a smile creeps up knowing me called me beautiful. I go to but my mind block back up when he looks at me with a pleading face 

*Save me and I'll buy you cookies!*

I stifle a laugh and walk over to his bedside

"Morning Buck, how are you feeling?" I ask innocently as I kiss his forehead

"Better now you're here doll" His polite smile breaks into a wide, excited smile. The nurse gets the hint and walks away. Annoyance radiating off her like a house on fire. We both laugh quietly as she walks away 

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now