Chapter 17

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"Doll? Wake up"  My eyes fluttered open to the sound of Bucky's voice "What are you doing here?" He asks sitting on the edge of his bed

"You had a nightmare" I stop to yawn "I changed your dream then decided to stay in case you needed me again" 

"You're amazing you know that right?" He replies standing up and offering me a hand

I take it as I say "I try" 

He leads me into the kitchen, still holding my hand and sitting me at the breakfast bar

"The least I can do is make you breakfast" He says after catching my questioning look and I agree. He makes me bacon, egg and pancakes with a big cup of tea. We sit in each other's company until the elevator dings and Peter walks out 

"You dirty stop out!" I shouted whilst running into his arms

"I was the perfect gentleman and slept on the sofa" He replied and I pulled a funny face "Anyway how come you two are awake at this time?" He points between me and Bucky. I drag him away from Bucky's earshot 

"We argued it out and then kissed" Peter gasps loud enough for Bucky to turn around "Shush!" I slap my hand against his mouth "No we did not sleep together!" He looks at me confused "I can hear your thoughts idiot! No he had a nightmare, I went to help and just fell asleep in his room"

"Perfectly innocent... if you couldn't hear her thoughts" A voice behind me said. I whip round "Loki!" 

"Oh behave Jessica, I'm aware of the crush you have on Barnes and I'm sure everyone else has caught on" He replies

"I do not!" I growl back and begin to walk back to Bucky. During that little conversation, I failed to notice 4 members of the avengers skulk into the living room

"Morning Dad, Clint, Nat, Bruce... coffee anyone?" I ask innocently noticing their arrival 

"Jess when are you both going to stop dancing around these feelings? It's getting rather tedious" Loki announces to the room, catching the attention of everyone in it 

"What feelings? Who's feelings?" My dad asks standing up. I shoot Loki a look but he clearly doesn't get it 

"Jess and Barnes clearly have feelings for each other" Loki replies completely nonchalantly 

*I have pretty strong, angry feelings towards you right now* I aim at Loki

"No no you're mistaken, my daughter is way too young to feel things" I roll my eyes at my dad. The pounding of footsteps distracts everyone momentarily. Steve and Sam walk into the room. Sam still wiping the sleep out of his eyes, probably from being woken up by us

"What's going on?" Steve asks joining Bucky in the kitchen 

"Apparently Jess and Bucky have feelings for each other" Clint answers. I smack my forehead

"Ha funny" Steve replies and the whole room is silent, all of us looking at each other 

"Hang on, how come neither of you has denied it" Sam just had to ask

"Guys, it's way too early for this" Nat stands up and walks towards me. I look over at Bucky who looks nervous as hell

"No birdbrain is right... how come neither of you have denied it" Clint asks suspiciously and the attention falls onto Bucky 

"Because we don't have to, this is ridiculous guys come on! We're just friends" I plead

"Friends don't look at each other the way you do" Clint defends

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now