Chapter 5

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Bucky and I decided to leave Peter and MJ to their date as it was getting pretty awkward. I weren't ready to go back to the tower so Bucky suggested going shopping. 

"How was Steve after last night?" I ask as we walk round various shops

"I'm not gonna lie Jess, he's not ok. I think he knows you're right and that's what's bothering him the most" He replies

"He helped bring me up, no wonder I have a hero complex like him" I say with a little laugh

"That's what scares him" We both stop what we're doing "Jess, you're a product of the Avengers. Whether they like it or not, you're like everyone back at that tower in some way or another" We go to sit on a bench whilst he explains "You're stubborn and sarcastic like your dad, you're brave and loyal like Steve, Badass like Nat, strong like Thor... the list goes on and on. You might not officially be an Avenger but you are worth all the Avengers" 

What he was saying made sense and it made me realise why everyone was so bothered about this vision. It's because they are the hero's, it's what they do and not being able to save someone especially someone they love must be so difficult to come to terms with and I understand because I'm them too. I'd feel the exact same if anyone else was put in my position and I had the abilities to save them but couldn't. It must be so frustrating.

"I think we should head back" I say relieving a massive sigh

"Are you sure?" Bucky replies

"Yep" I slap my hand on my knees and stand up "There's some people I need to talk to"

On the walk back I told Bucky the plan that I had come up with and what I'm going to say, conscious of the agents around me, I tell him quietly. We walk back into the tower and head straight for the elevator

"My floor please FRIDAY"

Before the doors even open I can hear talking on my floor. The doors open to reveal all the avengers gathering on my floor 

"Nice to see you all, I thought you were dead when you guys weren't here when I woke up" I say walking out of the elevator, Bucky follows holding all my bags. My dad grabs me and holds me into a tight hug "Hey dad" I mumble "I might be alive now but if you hold me any tighter I won't be" He untightens and lets go

"Sorry Kid, I was...I was just worried" He says weakly

"I dragged Bucky along for extra protection" I send a little smile to Bucky who's still holding all my bags "Let me just put these away and we can talk ok?" I usher Bucky into my room and start unpacking the many bags, carefully hiding one under my bed. 

"I need you to stall them for a few minutes" I blurt out

"What, why?" Bucky says stopping what he was doing 

"I need to talk to Loki first"

He just nods. I slip into Steve's room and leave through his door and head down the stairs until I get into the guest floor. I stand outside Loki's room and take a deep breath. 

*Knock Knock*

"Go away" Loki mumbles through the closed door. I obviously ignore him and open the door anyway. He scrambles off his bed


"Loki, We need to talk... Well I need to talk, you just need to listen"

He sits back on his bed and I close the door behind me

"You need to take me to Asgard and keep me there for a while. It's the only way my dad can focus on whatever it is that might kill me without him worried about where I am all the time. Bucky agrees. And I'm not asking you Loki I'm telling you"

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now