Chapter 22

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Everyone awoke to alarms blaring and red lights filling the once dark rooms. Bucky shot up seconds after me and held a tight grip on my hand as we walked out into the living room. Most of the family were already there, their eyes trapesing down onto me. I look down at myself and blush as I pull down Bucky's shirt. Loki rolls his eyes, snaps his fingers and a pair of black sweatpants appear on me. I mouth a 'thank you' to him and he smiles mischievously in response.

I look around the room at the clueless looking faces before I can open my mouth, FRIDAY blares a message from my dad

"Can everyone meet me in the conference room now!"

After the message, FRIDAY said two words which sent chills down my spine

"RED ALERT"... I knew exactly what it meant... Today is the day I die...

Everyone rushes to the conference room to meet my dad, Steve strolling in last standing at the back of the room. I acknowledge him with a smile, which he returns and I turn to face my dad

"So last night, I received a call from Stephen Strange... he had another vision" He turns to look at me, only now I notice his face red and puffy from crying

"Tony... what was in the vision?" Natasha gulps and asks despite already knowing the answer

"I die today don't I?" Answering for him, he just slumps down into his chair, face in hands. There were murmurs and whispers and a few tears before I stood up

"Guys, we all knew this day was coming and we're all prepared" Trying to hide the fear in my voice

"We thought we had more time!" Wanda sobs

"We've only just got you back!" Bucky whines as his voice breaks

"Are you sure there's no other way?" Steve's voice weaker than normal. I look at him and shake my head solemnly

"There is a recently active Hydra facility in Boston and SHIELD have instructed us to deal with it" My dad mumbles, leaning back in his chair

"Why should we listen to them, they kidnapped Jessie?" Bruce questions

"Because in return, they'll declassify Jess as a threat" My dad replies

"The irony..." Bucky growls, I grab onto his hand for comfort, he squeezes it to reassure me

"When do we leave?" Nat asks

My dad sighs heavily before getting up and walking out the door. We all stand there confused until FRIDAY announces

"Mr. Stark would like me to tell you that you leave in exactly one hour"

Wanda's hand flies to her mouth in an attempt to mute the sobs. Everyone turns to look at me with horror in their face, which then either morphs into anger or sadness. I close my eyes forcing my barriers to stay up in my mind, knowing how much it'd hurt to feel all these strong emotions at once until I hear a faint mutter

"Princessa..." Pietro mumbles mournfully. I stand there frozen, not really listening. thoughts rush through my mind, anxiety rising. I thought I came to terms with my death but knowing when and where and how makes it that much worse. The thought of what would happen if I didn't sacrifice myself ran through my head but that isn't even an option

"JESS!" Bucky shouts


"We've been talking to you for the past 5 minutes... what going on?" He asks, calmer this time

"I'm going to die today Bucky, pardon me if I'm not all there" I walk out of the room and head back up to the kitchen

"Jessie..." Bruce asks quietly

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