Chapter 18

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Back to Jessica...

Before I knew it, it was my birthday. The tower had gone back to normal after the big blow out 2 days ago which I'm so grateful for. However, everyone was acting differently the day before my birthday like they were all keeping secrets. I could've easily read any of their minds but I didn't want to ruin any surprise so I stayed out. 

Rolling out of bed and forcing myself to get into the shower, I couldn't shake a bad feeling that was growing in my stomach. Eventually I put it down to birthday nerves and continued to get dressed. I decide to keep it casual until my dad decides he wants to throw a party. I walk out my bedroom door to find a massive banner hanging over the window that says 'Happy 19th Birthday Jess!' and all my favourite people gathered in one room talking amongst themselves. When no one realises I've walked in the room, I just stand there looking at them all. Happy. I didn't have to be a mind reader to see that. Loki teleports beside me, locks an arm round my shoulder and watches the chaos with me

"Happy birthday, darling" 

"Thank you" I stare up at him "How long do you think it'll take for them to notice me?"

"I'd give it 10 more minutes" He chuckles at the thought

"If you can wait 10 more minutes for breakfast then be my guest" I laugh back 

"On second thoughts..." He mumbles and stands up straight, keeping his arm around me "Announcing the arrival of the birthday girl" Loki raises his voice regally and everyone whips round "JESS" the crowd of voices overlapping each other, excitement and eagerness filling each and everyone  as they rush over to greet me. Dad was the first to hug me, then Steve and Bucky fought for second. Bucky let Steve win considering he's already on his bad side. After the rest of the group hugs me and wishes me a happy birthday, Clint gets started on breakfast, Steve's on drinks duty and Sam is setting the table.

"Guys what's all this fuss about?" I say as Bucky pulls my chair out for me

"Can't we just be excited about your birthday?" Clint shouts from the kitchen

*They want to make your last birthday special"* Loki says as he sits opposite me *Your father made quite a big show of it last night*. I nod my head in understanding and turn my attention to my dad that's now sat on the left of me

"Thank you dad" I grab his hand and hold it until the food is put in front of me "Eat up, I can't wait for you to see what I got you" He whispers as he ruffles my hair. 

After a breakfast fit for Thor and Loki themselves, we all gather round in the living room for presents. I sat on the the big sofa with Nat and Bucky on either side with Peter squeezed in between me and Nat, Steve, Dad and Thor were on the other sofa, Loki was on the arm chair whilst Sam, Clint, Bruce and Wanda were sat on the floor. Dad was too eager and decided to go first. He put 3 little boxes on my lap. In the first box was a necklace with a 'T' on one side and a 'J' on the other. In the second box was a set of keys to a new car to which he had Friday show me live video footage from the garage to show me it. I opened the third box, and in it was a small piece of paper that said 'look behind you'

" 'look behind you' what does that mean?" I ask my dad very confused

"It means look behind you silly girl" A voice said behind me. A very feminine voice. I freeze and slowly look around

"PEPPER!" I jump up and run to her, hugging her so tightly "You made it!"

"You think I was going to miss my daughters 19th birthday?" He laughs sweetly. At this point, tears have begun prickling at my eyes

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now