Chapter 8

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Tony's POV

The hologram of my daughter faded, along with my smile. I drop into the closest seat and put my faces into my hands. Steve emerges from the kitchen

"How is she?" He asks whilst sitting next to me

"Grand, the king is hosting a ball for her" I say almost sarcastically, taking my hands away and leaning back

"That's good I suppose, it's a distraction" Steve continues

"We need to focus on how to save her so she can come home sooner, I need her here with me Steve"

"I know how you feel-"

"No!" I yell at him as I stand up "No you don't know how I feel. You can play dad with her and pretend that you're important but I'm the dad missing his little girl. I'm the dad that allowed his daughter to live on another planet whilst I try and find a way to stop her dying before she's even had a life to live!"

"Tony that's out of order! You know Jess thinks of Steve as a dad too!" Natasha yells at me

"I don't want her to die Nat"

"None of us do but we have to work together not against each other, Jess would hate how you spoke to Steve and you know that"

"I know, did you manage to get through to Bucky?" I say hopefully but Nat just shakes her head. I decide it's my turn and walk over to his room

"Bucky can we talk?"

No answer. "Fuck you then, FRIDAY unlock the bedroom door of Bucky Barnes"

The door opens and Bucky is just sat on the floor with his head lowered

"Come on talk to metal man" I say, thinking I was pretty funny

Bucky just lifts his head slowly and scowls at me

"Progress" I mutter "Can you please just tell me what happened?" I say with desperation

He lets out a long sigh

"We had a moment last night" He begins "We were making pancakes and happy and then we kissed. She asked me to stay in her room because she thought her leaving would trigger her nightmares" He looks up at me with a sad expression "I feel weird saying this to you but that kiss meant something to me and I thought her not saying goodbye meant that it didn't mean anything to her. I shouldn't have kicked off and I shouldn't have let her leave without saying sorry" I sit down next to him, staring straight ahead

"She cares about you a lot you know"

"I care about her too Tony"

I take a deep breath and think about what I'm going to do. I slip my ring off and put it into his hand

"You get 5 minutes, press the jewel to call her"

Bucky's POV

I put the ring on and press the jewel and Jess appears in front of me

"Bucky? What's going on where's my dad?" She says

"He's next to me but I need to say something"

"Can you make it quick? The ball is about to start"

"You're going to a ball?"

"It's being held in my honour so I can't be late"

"Show me what you look like" She's wearing a beautiful flowy gold dress and looks incredible in it "You look gorgeous doll"

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