Chapter 13

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"Meet me in the training room in ten minutes" Wanda instructs and I do as I'm told. I go straight down and wait for her, practising practising my telekinesis. I manage to change the punching bag using only my magic

"Well you don't need my help with that" Wanda laughs. I whip round feeling quite embarrassed with my little victory "Don't be embarrassed" She walks closer "Show me what else you can do"

I focus on her mind

*Well I can do this*

"Have you learned how to choose when to read minds?" She asks

"Yes Loki helped teach when to block and choose when to think or feel"

"You can feel emotions?" 

"Yes, I guess it's when people are actively thinking about their emotion. I can also make people think what I want them to think" 

"Really?!" She asks looking surprised 

"Well I did it once when Loki had a bad dream, I made him think of happy things"

"That's really impressive for someone who hasn't had her powers that long"

I thank her and we begin training. She would throw things at me and I would attempt to catch them with my magic, which I did successfully. She tested my ability to hear thoughts from a far distance, which I did successfully. Wanda decided to test my ability to shield. She explained with enough focus I can make a temporary shield to block bullets or a knife attack. All I had to do was imagine a shield and It would appear. After many failed attempts of producing a shield, we thought it would be a good idea to test it under combat. 

*Thor, can you come down to the training room?*

A few minutes later an annoyed looking Thor walked through the door "Jess, I told you I don't like that. You scared me" He pouted.

"Sorry Thor but we needed your muscle" I laugh a little at his pout. Thor joins Wanda by throwing Mjolnir and a few punches but I couldn't hold the shield for longer than ten seconds. They got more aggressive and I was struggling. Thor lifted Mjolnir and threw it before Loki appeared in front of me. I used every bit of magic I had in me to try and put a shield around us. Squeezing my eyes shut and yelling in pain I felt the magic flood from me. I hoped it was doing what I wanted. 

*Open your eyes Darling* I hear echo in my head and I did as I was told. I looked at the yellow bubble that me and Loki were encased in and the feeling of pride and awe radiated all around the room. Finally drained, I drop, Loki just catching me before I hit the floor

"I think that's enough for one day" He says putting a necessary arm around my shoulder

"No... keep going... I can do this" I yawn 

Wanda laughs "You are definitely Steve's kid" 

Loki teleported me back to my room and put me into bed

"You need to rest darling, you've drained your energy"

I don't argue, I sit there and read whilst my energy levels recuperate. It only took an hour of Loki, Thor and Bucky constantly checking on me to feel strong enough to get up. Or maybe it was the smell of bacon and eggs...

I get out of bed and walk into the living room. The loud roars of laughter filled the air, so did the food. I make a beeline for the kitchen, stealing bits of food when Steve isn't looking. After being caught stealing my third slice of bacon, I walk defeatedly back over to the rest of the group and sit next to my dad. The rest of the day was quiet. Nat and Clint were called on a mission and the rest of us stayed home watching movies. Bucky still hasn't spoken a full sentence to me but Wanda said to give him time to adjust which I'm trying to do. 

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