Chapter 34

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After my heart to heart with Vision, I decided to spend some time with Bruce allowing Vision, Pietro and Peter to spend more time together. Despite my first thoughts, they actually have a lot in common and get on quite well

"Hey Uncle Bruce.... what ya working on?" I say striding into his lab before clearing enough space for me to hop onto a counter

"Hey Jessie, I wish I could say something useful but I'm actually just hiding out" He gives me a lopsided smile as he drops onto a seat facing me

"Everyone's out on a shopping trip, you don't have to hide here" I knit my eyebrows together as I look at the raggedy man. His looks more tired than usual, his hair scruffier like he's combed his hands through it more times than humanly necessary

"If I tell you a secret kid, do you promise not to tell?" He looks at me like he's in pain almost, or just really uncomfortable with being alive at this moment in time

"Pinky swear" I hold out my pinky and he takes it into his before releasing and falling back into his chair

"Natasha asked me on a date" He mumbles

"Holy shit!" I exclaim jumping off the counter and throwing my hand to my mouth so all he could see we my wide eyes "Fucking finally!"

"Wait what?" He lifts himself out of the chair and at this moment I only realise he's taller than me

I look at him more softly knowing that this is something that's really knocked the wind out of him "Bruce, she's been talking about this for about a year" Now it's his turn to look at me shocked as I form one of the biggest smiles I've ever had

"Are you being serious Jessie? I swear if your messing-"

"Honest to god Bruce, she told me you had a thing around the time of Ultron but nothing happened and with everything that happened with me she wanted to go for it but didn't know the right time" I admit to him and he drops back into his chair at the response "Please tell me you said yes"

"Y-yeah I did..." He mumbles with the shocked face now a constant look

"You deserve this happiness Uncle Bruce, you know that right" I crouch down so I'm eye level with him "And this time everything will go right, I promise" the second I said that word his eyes locked onto mine with a deathly stare "Hey! If I can promise Bucky that I'll come back from the dead then I can promise this ok" I stare back at him and he nods his head. I look at him and realise that he needs some time alone to come to terms with everything that just happened so I do just that and make my way down back to my room where I hide out until everybody comes home.


I'm sat in my room scrolling through Netflix when I get an alert from FRIDAY

"Miss Stark, Mr Stark would like that I announce his arrival"

"Thanks, FRIDAY" I laugh as I turn my tv off and leave my room to see the group emerging from the elevator

"There's my girl" My dad grabs me into a hug "Did those boys look after you?"

"Yes dad, they did" Looking around the room, I notice Bucky shifting uncomfortably on his feet. I want to say something but my mind trails back to the conversation I had with Vision earlier and I decide to leave it for now "So... what did you guys get?"

The next few hours consist of a few outfit shows, a funny story of a bird landing on Sam's head and Bucky and I sitting with an unnatural amount of distance between us

"Nat, Wanda... do you guys wanna start getting ready for this thing?" I ask standing up and they follow a few seconds later

"You girls going to talk about us boys?" Sam flirts, eyeing up and winking at Natasha and I notice Bruce shift uncomfortable in his seat

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now