Chapter 10

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Steve's POV

"I have arrived, where is Tony?" Thor says stomping towards me. As I walk with him to Tony's workshop I ask him about Jess

"How is she?" 

"She is fine" He responds plainly 

"Just fine?" I repeat

"What else do you wish me to say?" He stops right outside the door. I don't know what else I expected him to say. Maybe that she was happy, but then again I knew she couldn't be too happy being so far away. The door swings open to reveal a clearly sleep deprived Tony 

"Fellas, come in come in" He says whilst walking over to a table with the rest of the Avengers. We walk inside but before anyone can say anything Natasha stands up

"How is she?" She says breathlessly 

"She's fine" I repeat what Thor said. Natasha gives him a look and he nods as he sits down. She follows seconds after.

"As some of you already know, Dr Strange notified me of another vision"

"Another?" Clint speaks up

"Well not another per se, more like an extension of the first one" I reply

I look over at Tony to see if he wants to deliver the news or if I should. His eyes don't meet mine and I assume that means its my job

"Well what was it?" Bucky adds 

"Jess... dying" I mutter

"WHAT?" Natasha stands up again "And she's still on another planet Steve are you crazy? Bring her home now!" 

"That's not going to do anything" I reply

"It'll bring her home to us, so we can spend that time together" She drops down into her sit and Bucky tries to comfort her

"She needs to come home Steve" He mumbles. Before I can reply to him Natasha begins talking again

"Do you know that Peter sleeps in her bed every night and every night that he has he has cried himself to sleep? Have you noticed that Bucky hasn't been the same since she left? Steve you'll regret not bringing her home"

"She stays with Thor and Loki until her birthday" I say as all the attention falls onto Thor who has been noticeably quiet

"You're unbelievable Steve..." Nat growls as she storms out of the room

"Are we any closer to figuring out who is behind this?" Clint adds

"Not yet but we won't stop trying" Bruce replies

I look over at Tony who looks exhausted "Tony get some sleep, you'll work better" He objects at first but then gives in and walks out of the workshop. 

"Thor... Peter has a letter for Jess that he want's me to give you" I take out the letter from my pocket and hand it over. 

He takes it wearily "I believe she would be resting by now but i shall give it to her as soon as she wakes" 

"Take care of her" Bucky says with worry in his voice

"Loki has not left her side" Thor replies but Bucky's whole demeanour changed from worried to annoyed "I must get back and hope i do not return to Asgard on fire" he chuckles lightly but nobody else laughed, we're all too tired to.

Back to Jessica...

I awoke in the middle of the night in a cold sweat. I dreamt that i was in pain and nobody could help me and I died all alone

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now