Chapter 28

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(3rd POV)

Tony gathers the Avengers into the conference room the day after their mission

"Do you want the good news or the great news first?" He asks the tired and slightly annoyed faces in front of him "Ok good news is we successfully assisted on the mission and great news is we managed to piss off Nick Fury" He announces with the biggest grin on his face 

"How is it great that we pissed off Fury?" Sam asks

 "Because he's an ass" Natasha replies, turning slightly in her chair to face him. Tony clicks his fingers and point at Nat in agreement

"And tell them my thing..." Pietro urges 

Tony rolls his eyes and says in a less enthusiastic tone "Oh yeah and Pietro here thinks he saw Jess"

"I did see her!" He snaps 

"Pietro..." Natasha begins 

"No! I know what you're going to say... and you're going to call me crazy but I did" He continues to fight, his face red and tears pricking at his eyes

"Pietro... I see her all the time" Steve says putting a comforting hand on his shoulder "I see her in any girl I see crossing the street or an agent that fights a little bit too much like her... you just wanted to see her buddy" 

Pietro tugs his shoulder away from Steve's hand and whispers " Screw you all" under his breath. He storms out the room as Wanda apologises for him and chases after him. After a short moment of awkward silence Tony stood up 

"We are having family night..." He demands rather than asks 

"Tony..." Natasha begins but is quickly cut off 

"No my therapist told me family nights are good and I really need one right now" He says before leaving the room himself 

"Tony's seeing a therapist?" Sam asks looking at Steve and Natasha

"Grief counselling, why do you think he's doing so well?" Steve answers 

"Alcohol?" Sam retorts sarcastically 

"Not touched the stuff in days" Natasha says and the entire group go wide eyed "If he needs a night with all of us there then that's what we need to do" 

"Fine but if he wants to play monopoly again I swear to god I'll Hulk out this time" Bruce warns knowing last time Tony made rules up like because he was a billionaire he should get more money or more properties. Bruce almost Hulked, Thor almost electrocuted him and Loki was seconds away from driving a dagger into him... the only reason they didn't was Jess

"Guys, what Pietro said has really bothered him... he just needs a distraction" Nat emphasises 

Everyone agrees and disperses until Tony calls them for game night. Bucky and Steve head down to the training room

"So..." Bucky grunts as he does his 30th sit up "How have you been?" 

"Small talk, really Buck?" Steve laughs whilst lifting weights a few feet away 

"Come on man, amuse me" Bucky laughs back

"I'm good, keeping busy... what about you?" 

"I got good days and bad days, it's better now I've got Alpine"

"I'm glad you've got her, she's good for you" Steve smiles sincerely 

"Steve, can I ask you something?" Bucky stops what he's doing and looks dead straight at his friend

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