Chapter 15

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When I woke up this morning, I was surprised that I wasn't in my own bed. Instead I was cuddled up in Bucky's arms. I begin smiling to myself and just enjoying the moment until my phone began buzzing and woke him up. I quickly pretend that I've just woken up too by rubbing my eyes and looking up at him

"Morning Sarge" I mumble in my sleepy voice

"Morning doll" He smiles down at me. Oh my god that sleepy husky morning voice is going to send me over the edge. We slowly untangle ourselves and make our way over to the kitchen.

"How come you weren't in your bed last night?" I say sitting at the breakfast bar

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you" He passes me a cup of tea and begins on making pancakes

"Good morning darling" Loki says stepping out of the elevator

"I love you and all Loki but why do you insist on coming onto my floor when you have one to yourself?" I ask swivelling round to follow him walking into the room

"Because you love me" He smirks and I roll my eyes

"Buck, I have a favour to ask" I say as he puts a plate of pancakes in front of me "I would ask Peter but I know he already has plans-" 

"Doll" He interrupts me by shoving a fork full of pancake into my mouth "Just tell me"

I finish eating then ask "There's a horror movie marathon at the cinema's tonight as it's Halloween and I know the others are on a mission so I was wondering if you would come with?" I look at him and wait for a response but he doesn't say anything "You can say no, I won't mind". I feel so extremely guilty but I decide to put down my mind block and see what he's thinking

*Oh god, Is this a date?* 

"Don't worry, this isn't a date or anything, Loki's coming too. Aren't you Loki?" I say swivelling around to face him

*Loki you're coming, you heard him, he doesn't want it to be a date*

*If I say no then it will be a date, you want that don't you?*

"Are you two mind talking? Because it's kinda awkward just standing here" Bucky says tucking into his pancakes

"You're not missing out, trust me" I reply, still facing Loki. I get up and use my magic to put my plates in the sink "It's fine, I'll go by myself" and I walk to my room. I must've slammed the door by accident because Peter shot up out of my bed at the sound

"Hey Pete, it's ok just me" I put my hands on his shoulders to calm him down

"Where were you last night?" He says after he's calmed a bit

"Fell asleep on the sofa, sorry" 

"Why are you sorry? I got a double bed all to myself" He replies lying down and sprawling out. I giggle to myself and get up to rummage through my drawers

"Do you want a shower first?" I ask

"No you go, I'll get some breakfast first" He gets up as shuffles out the room. As I walk into the bathroom, I hear Steve on the other side of the curtain (Which was put in place after too many uncomfortable situations). 

"Morning Cap, you're up late" I shout through the curtains. Before I get to my shower, the curtains are pulls back slightly

"Who the hell are you?" A pretty blonde shouts at me

"I could say the same thing!" I answer back

"I'm Sharon" 

"Oh you're the girlfriend" I laugh to myself 

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