Chapter 16

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The tower was pretty tense. I still refused to talk to Steve and he refused to talk to me. Nat won't talk to Wanda because she didn't tell her about my powers. Loki wouldn't talk to Steve and neither would Bucky. In fact, Bucky refused to talk to anyone. I also refused to talk to him considering he still hasn't apologised for walking out after my vision. My dad joined us for dinner that night after he was released from the Med bay, although he still wasn't allowed to go on the mission until his suit was fixed. Noticing the awkward tension in the air, he stops eating, throws his hands in the air and shouts 

"Right what the hell happened while I was down there?!" 

We all stop eating and look at him

"Nothing" Nat replies quietly

"REALLY?! Because usually Steve I can't get you to shut up, Thor you definitely would've finished eating by now, Nat you aren't even arguing with Clint, Bucky you look more depressed than usual, Peter you won't stop staring at Jess's hands and Jess don't think I haven't noticed how angry you look" My dad shouts in one breath

We all look at each other nervously, my eyes landing a bit too harshly on Steve. I look over at Peter who looks like he's about to crack 

"Peter, have you got anything to say?" My dad says calmly. Peter looks straight at him. "I'll make you an honorary avenger?" Sweat drips off Peter's head

"Peter don't you dare!" Nat says through gritted teeth

"Dad nothing's wrong, leave the poor kid alone" I say as nicely as possible

*He's going to find out eventually* Steve says through his mind, eyes focused directly on me. I shoot my head up to look at him and he grows a satisfied smile after getting through to me

*Yes eventually but not now* I say back which makes him jump a little

*He's not going to be happy that he's the last to know*

*Unless someone tells Bruce, Sam and Clint then he won't be the last*

*Bruce knows* Loki's voice added. I shoot him a look, which he just cowers to. I look over at Bruce who can probably tell what's going on 

*You know?* I ask Bruce sadly. His head just drops and he quickly excuses himself. Nat quickly rushes after him. After that people started excusing themselves left right and centre, leaving me, my dad, Peter, Bucky and Steve. I decide I can't take anymore of the silence and I head into my room, hoping to God that Peter doesn't break. After about 10 minutes, I hear Bucky's door slam and then Steve's door slam. That just leaves Peter alone with my dad. I quickly rush out the room and call into the living room

"Pete, you better hurry up if you want to make that date with MJ!" 

Peter quickly comes racing round the corner into my room shutting the door behind him making me laugh a little. I go to open my door but I stop and turn around to face Bucky's door. I don't knock, just burst through the door. I'm taken aback when he walks through his door from the bathroom in nothing but a white towel. His wet hair slicked back, highlighting his already beautiful face. I turn my attention to the water dripping down his perfectly sculpted body. I'm snapped back to reality when he opens his mouth and speaks

"Jess, what are you doing here?" He sounds confused. I shut the door to make sure no one can hear

"You're gonna shut up and listen ok?" I walk further into the room "You don't get to act hurt and upset over seeing that vision. You stormed off. You watched me die, felt me die and you still walked away from me. I don't know what that 'I love you' meant and I don't know if that vision was the same one that Strange saw but it happened and I shared it with you" I pause to take a breath "I didn't have to share it with you either but I thought that you'd be able to comfort me. I don't get you. You act like you care about me, you've danced with me, made me feel better, we've kissed for god's sake and you show no emotion what so ever when you watch me die, What the fuck James?!" I only ever use that name when I'm mad. I hate using it, I feel like it's a weapon. His face contorts, turning angry. I didn't need to use my powers to see it, it was clearly written all over his face.

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