Chapter 39

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It's been around 2 months since Jess and Bucky left for London and they quickly fell into a form of normalcy. Jess continued with her therapy and has been making quite good progress 

*************** Flashback to last session **************

"Can I ask you a question that we've been dodging for a while?" Doctor Bailey asks 

"It's inevitable so go ahead" Jess replies sort of defeatist

"Your dad-" Dr Bailey asks and Jess sucks in a sharp breath "How do you feel towards him now?"


"And why that particular emotion?"

"He made so many wrong choices, one's that he knew would hurt me... I guess i'm sad that he chose to do that"

"If you were in the same situation- and really put yourself in his shoes here- what would you have done differently?"

"Told me about the baby, I understand why he didn't want to tell Pepper but I had a right to know about the baby"

"Why do you have that right?"

"Because he was my dad first"

"And what does that mean?"

"It means that I died and I was still his child, then I came back and I wasn't his child"

"What are you then?"

"A ghost..." 

"A ghost?" She asks in clarification 

"A ghost" I confirm before elaborating "Like my presence is still around, I'm still remembered, seen but not quite reachable... I don't know if that's symbolistic to my proneness to running away but yeah a ghost" 

"I think it is symbolistic but not in the way you're thinking off, I think you used that word because subconsciously you're grieving for yourself. Parts of yourself have died or have been lost to all this trauma and you're grieving it which is why you feel like a ghost because maybe a part of you is" 

****************End of Flashback*******************

"Hey Jess?" Bucky shouts from the kitchen, into the bedroom as Jessica dresses 


"How would you feel about Steve coming to visit?"

"Are you kidding me?" She bolts into the room half dressed "I would love that!" 

"She said yes!" Bucky shouts into the air with a huge grin on his face and Jess scowls in confusion, that is until Steve emerges from behind her and lifts her into the air as she squeals 


After spinning her around a few more times, he gently puts her down

"What the hell?!" She smiles stupidly at him, looking over at Bucky who is smiling bigger than she's ever seen "What would you have done if I said no?"

"Hidden him until you said yes" That boyish grin never leaving his face even as she softly scolds him. She shakes her head lovingly before dragging Steve by his arm to the living area and practically shoving him on the sofa 

"How are you? How is everyone? Peter and Alpine? And oh my god Wanda and Vision? That sounds weird to say but still I-"

"Jess slow down- we've got time" Bucky sits next to her, placing a comforting hand on her knee and a loving smile. It's strange for Steve to see the two people he cares most about in the world acting so domestically. It's weird enough to get his head around that the girl he sees as a daughter and the man he sees as a brother are in love but to see it with his own eyes, in their own place is a bigger adjustment than coming out of the ice ever was. 

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum