Chapter 2

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I wake up to the sound of the toaster popping and feet in my face. I sit up and look down at the person the feet belong to...Peter who was probably the reason I was cold all night. I look over at the kitchen and see Bucky smiling to himself as he makes breakfast. I slide myself off the sofa, careful not to wake Peter and I look at the time 9.17 'No school for us today' I think to myself. I look down at the oversized hoodie that I'm wearing and stop walking

"Hey Buck, what am I wearing" I ask

"Morning Doll, you were shivering and I couldn't find another blanket, I hope that's ok" 

"Yeah that's fine" I say secretly sniffing the sleeve. I sit at the breakfast bar, watching Bucky in the kitchen "You making breakfast?"

"You still like pancakes?" He asks

"That's a stupid question Buck" I reply with a little laugh. 

He slides some pancakes over to me and a cup of tea. I take a bite and realise I don't know if my dads home yet

"Do you know if my dad came home last night?" I say taking another bite

"Yeah, he woke me up coming in this morning" 

"Hey FRIDAY, show me Tony Stark" FRIDAY brings up an image of my dad in his workshop "Ugh, I swear that man doesn't sleep" Bucky lets out a little laugh.

"Does spider-boy need feeding or-" He says after we've both finished our breakfasts

"Yeah I suppose I should wake him up now" 

I walk over to Peter and sit down next to him

"Hey Peter, time to wake up" Nothing.  "Right!..." 

"Jessica what are you doing?" Bucky says

"You'll see" I say as I'm walking to my bathroom. I grab a bucket that's under the sink and fill it halfway with water. I tiptoe back into the living room and drop the water over Peter, who shoots up instantly 

"JESS!!" He looks over at me as I back away "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU". I run over to Bucky and hide behind him

"BUCKY SAVE ME" I yell at him 

"Sorry Doll, You got yourself into this mess" He laughs back. Peter goes around Bucky and I jump over the breakfast bar

"YOU TRAITOR, I'LL REMEMBER THIS" I yell as I run away

"What's all this noise abo-" Steve says right before I run into him, bounce off him and fall onto the floor

"Ok Ow!" I say as I grab onto my head. I look up at Steve towering over me with his hands on his hips "Oh hey Stevie" He rolls his eyes and puts a hand out for me so he can pull me up, I take his offer and stand up still holding my head

"Two questions Jessica, one why is Peter soaking wet?" I look over at Peters pouty face and giggle " and two why aren't you at school?"

"Peter can't wake up naturally so I gave him a little nudge and-" I point over to Bucky "He didn't wake me up" I say looking at Steve with an innocent smile.

"Last time I make you pancakes" Bucky scoffs with a little smile

"School Jess, now" Steve says in a stern tone. I put on my best puppy dog eyes "Pleeeease can we stay home", I saw him smile a tiny bit "No" 

"Ughhh fine" I say 

"Take Peter with you" Steve says before I leave the room

"Peter you can use my shower" 

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now