Chapter 7

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I wake up in the morning to Bucky's right arm draped over me. I slowly lift it up and wriggle my way out of bed trying not to wake him. I shove on some jeans from my floor and a hoodie Peter gave me for my last birthday. I put some essentials into a bag and sneak out the door. Walking into the living room, everyone is already there waiting for me. I notice that Nat and my dad had been crying so I engulf them in a big hug

"Where's Bucky?" Steve says looking round the room

"He's sleeping, don't wake him" I reply

" Are you ready Lady Jess?" Thor announces as he walks into the room

"I just have a few more goodbyes" I say. Thor nods and I walk over to my dad "You've got your ring haven't you?" He puts his hand up and shows me the ring on his finger "Goodbye daddy" I whisper as I give him a hug, when I pull away I notice tears run down his face so I wipe them away. 

I turn to Nat and give her a hug before either of us can say anything "Keep this lot out of trouble for me" I say 

"Steve... don't use all the hot water yeah" We laugh together and he pulls me into a hug.

I say my goodbyes to Bruce, Clint and Wanda (who cries too, setting me off). I walk over to Sam and pull him away slightly from the rest of the group 

"Please take care of him" I say quiet enough

"Don't you want to say goodbye to him?" He replies 

"No, last night was perfect. I want him to remember us like that" 

"What? I don't get a goodbye?" Bucky shouts over "Do I mean nothing to you, that kiss meant nothing to you?!"

"Kiss? What kiss?" Steve butts in 

I look over at Bucky standing at the entrance to the hallway, arms crossed

"You think I don't care? Of course I care!" I shout back whilst walking over

"Why weren't you gonna say goodbye then!"

"BECAUSE IT'S TOO DAMN HARD BUCKY!" I yell at him "The thought of not seeing you everyday, not talking to you makes me not want to go! It hurts, it physically hurts knowing you're not going to be across the hall. So don't you dare tell me that I don't care because I care about you so fucking much Bucky" I stand there breathless just looking at him waiting for him to say something but he doesn't so I turn around and walk to Thor and Loki

"It's time to go" I say. Thor summons Heimdall and just like that we're gone. 

Bucky's POV

"Care to explain what the hell just happened?!" Steve growls at me 

"Nothing just leave me alone" I say turning round to go back to my room

"NO! You're gonna sit your ass down and tell me why my daughter left in tears" Tony yells at me 

I look over at Sam who looks equally as uncomfortable as I do

"I'm not telling you anything metal man, now leave me alone!" I storm off to my room and lock the door.

Back to Jessica...

I look around the room I've just magically travelled to and I'm greeted by a man who introduces himself 

"Lady Jess, I am Heimdall. It's a pleasure to finally meet you" 

"Please call me Jess and the pleasure is all mine" I reply politely

"I fear your current attire would not allow you to 'blend in'" Heimdall says as I look down at my current clothes

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