Chapter 3

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"Surprise..." Loki says with his arms open.

"Loki?" I mutter

I walk over, his arms still open inviting me in, instead I slap him

"Jess-" Thor begins

"Ah" I put my index finger to his face "I'll deal with you in later " I continue as he shuts up and backs away

"Not the welcome I was hoping for darling" Loki says holding his cheek

"Not the welcome I was hoping for" I mimic him "Shut the fuck up! A year you were gone, a year! No letters, no check ins. I thought you died" I shove him backwards with all the strength I have "You told me you were needed on Asgard, a matter of life or death you said. I was terrified, do you know how many nights I spent crying thinking I lost my best friend? That the worst had happened?!" Tears have started forming in my eyes thinking about those nights but I try to hold them back. I turn around looking at my dad then Thor then Bucky who all avoid my eyes awkwardly. I storm off into my bedroom and lock the door. I call the only person I know that can help me right now

"Hey Nat, It's Jess...You busy?"


Bucky's POV

"Should one of us go and check on her or-" The blonde haired one says awkwardly 

"Give her space, she doesn't like being smothered" I say dropping her bag onto the sofa 

"And how would you know that?" The guy in the green suit, who I'm guessing is Loki says to me 

"Because I'm her...friend" I say realising the pause before the word friend, looking quickly over to tony who thankfully didn't notice "Who are you?" 

"Loki, of Asgard, I'm her...friend too" He says lifting an eyebrow at me. He paused before the word friend too. Does he mean it the way I mean it?

"I am Thor, God of thunder" The blonde one says with a proud smile 

"Nice to meet you" I say politely 

I look over a Tony who is now currently sat at the breakfast bar "Did you have that meeting?" I say at subtly as I can

"Yes" He says getting up and pointing a finger at me "We have a plan for 24/7 security on Jess, an avenger with her at all times and at least 2 avengers here at any time when she's home. I've updated every member of the avengers, shield and stark industries that her safety is our top priority" At that moment the elevator opens and Nat emerges with a bag of cookies, drinks and tubs of ice cream "Where is she?" She says almost out of breath. We all point to her room at the same time, we watch her walk over, knock on the door and enter the room before we resume the conversation. 

"How is it going to work?" Loki says continuing the conversation

"Well she has school with Peter but he cant protect her all by himself-" Tony carries on

"The Spider boy!" Thor exclaims proudly 

"Yes Thor the spider boy. Anyway, we're going to take it in shifts going into the school like Bucky did today" Loki shoots me a nasty look "Thor, Loki you're going to stay here in your guest rooms, Sam's coming over within the week and Clint will do regular check ins. As Steve, Bucky and Sam live on the same floor" He looks directly at me "You three will be the main protection, especially at night. Also, one of you will have to be here whenever she's here. Got it?" 

"Yes" Thor and Loki say in unison

"What about Dr Strange? Have there been any developments?" I say 

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