Chapter 9

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"Please be ok Jess, please" I hear Loki's voice say

"Loki?" I mutter and open my eyes. I see Loki sat next to me with his head on the bed

"Jess?!" He lifts his head up 

"I'm ok don't worry" I say grabbing his hand "But what happened? All I remember is feeling dizzy then fainting i guess" I continue

"Faint? Jess you've been out cold for 3 days" Loki's voice raising in worry "You were stood next to my father at the ball then all of a sudden your eyes went yellow and you passed out"

"Yellow? What the hell?"

"I thought you were going to die"

"Well I'm not dead yet" 

"What?" Loki says shocked

"You just said ' I thought you were going to die'" I say

"No I didn't, I said that in my head Jess" He stands up looking worried

"You must've said it out loud" 

*Can you hear this?* 

"Of course I can hear you Loki, you're right in front of me. Although how are you talking without moving your mouth?"

"Because you're reading my mind" He almost yells back

I sit up in my head "How can I read your mind Loki? I don't have any powers you idiot" 

"Mother!!" Loki shouts running out the room. A few moments later, Loki re-enters the room followed by Frigga and Thor

"I'm glad you're awake Jess" Thor says smiling sweetly

"Me too Thor, have you spoken to my dad?" I reply

"No, we thought it best that we didn't worry him" He responds 

"Loki tells me you read his mind" Frigga says sitting beside me

"Really Loki? Is this a prank? Are you playing a joke on me right now because it's not funny!" I shout over to him

"Thor, think of something...anything and look directly at Jessica" Frigga says to Thor

*I don't think Loki suits the colour green* Thor says in his mind

"Oh my God! I read your mind, how is that possible?!" I shout is disbelief

"I believe it's the mind stone. When a person is worthy of the power it holds, they shall receive that power" Frigga explains 

I put my hand to my chest to take off the stone but it's not there

"Where is it?" I ask

"On your table" Thor points to it

"So i have the power even without wearing it?" I ask

"Yes" Frigga confirms

"We must train you in order to see what other powers you may have adopted" Thor adds

"Can I have a moment alone with Loki please?" I look up at Frigga then Thor

"Of course" Frigga stands and walks out with Thor following

Loki sits on the edge of my bed

"Can you please put the necklace back on?"

"Are you sure?" 

"It's already given me magic powers, what else could it possibly do to me" I respond. He does as I ask and puts the necklace back on 

"If I knew this was going to happen Jess, I would never have let you wear it-" Loki begins but I interrupt him

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