Chapter 20

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...The next few days were slow for everyone. Tony and the rest of the avengers continued to fight for Jess without any luck. Whilst Jess found a sort of happiness in her cell telling Pietro stories of everything he's missed


"So Clint... that old man's still alive?" He questioned

"Of course, that man can cheat death where ever he goes" I let out a little laugh

"He uses a bow and arrow, how is he so lucky?" Pietro says bewilderedly

"I wonder how he is... how they all are" I mumble mournfully

"Princessa..." He begins but I quickly cut him off

"I haven't spoken to them in days, I just need to know if they're ok" I huff "If they're even still alive" I whisper but somehow Pietro picks it up

"Alive? Jess what does that mean?"

I squeeze my eyes and wince "There's a thing that's going to happen and if I'm not there to stop it then all the avengers including Wanda are going to die"

His eyes widen as he blurts out " Does Fury know this?!"

" No Pietro he can't know... there's nothing SHIELD can do about it, I'm the only person who can save everyone"  I reply defeatedly

" Well if you're the only one that's seen them then-"

"I'm not" I interrupt "There's a wizard guy called Dr Strange, he had the vision first"

"So you really are the only person to stop it?"


"Princessa!" He counters in a stern tone

"There isn't really a stopping it more like I lay down my life for there's"

"Jess you can't!-"

"I have to Pietro! They're my family and the world needs them"

He doesn't say anything him response and I begin to worry that he's thinking about telling Fury

"Ok I'll help you escape on one condition" he finally replies

"And what's that?"

"You bring me with you, you take me to my sister"

"Deal" I reply Instantly "But we can't tell Clint, then he'll think that he's going crazy and seeing ghosts!"

"I think I love you..." he replies in awe of my prank idea

"When your best friend is the god of mischief, you get kinda good at that stuff" I smile mischievously knowing Loki would be proud

"You still sure about that boyfriend of yours?" Pietro flirts

"Say that in front of him, I dare you" I laugh in response. I pause for a moment and realise what I just said "in front of him?" I repeat

"Are you ok?" Pietro asks concerned as I stand up abruptly

"I'm such an idiot!"

"Jess?" Pietro stands up and comes closer to the glass

I ignore his plea and hold out my right hand and press the button on the side of my ring. Before I know it, a hologram of my dad appears

"Dad?" I barely whisper

"Jessica!! Oh my god sweetheart are you ok? Where are you?" He begins rambling

"I'm ok dad, I'm ok. I'm at SHIELD in a holding facility"

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora