Chapter 30

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Knowing that Fury won't even attempt to see me tonight, I form a plan to break out. I remember the last time I broke out of a SHIELD facility but this time I'm on my own. I decide to do it in the morning, just as my family would be leaving for their mission in hopes I can reach them before they realise they won't win.


The morning comes around pretty quickly and the first thing I do is check the iPad to see if they're setting off and lucky I woke up just in time. They were all gathered on the landing deck and I noticed who was in gear, taking a mental reminder of who is going to be the first to see me; my dad, Natasha, Steve, Bucky, Sam and Pietro.

I look in at the camera in the corner of my room clocking on to fact that I need to disable it in order to maintain the element of surprise. The second I do, I jump into action remembering my limited time. I decide to keep the iPad, throwing it into a small backpack Fury gifted me for missions. I stand in front of the giant locked door in front of me and smile smugly

"Showtime!" I conjure my powers and blast the yellow ball of light towards the door instantly dropping down as if it were made of feathers. Alarms begin to blare as I storm my way through the corridors, knocking down anyone that gets in my way. As I reach the main lobby, dozens of armed men are stood in lined formation with Fury right behind them

"Starks!" He shouts over the top of them "Are they always so dramatic?"

"We like to have a little fun whilst kicking your ass" I counter

"You saw the drive and you're understandably angry..."

"Angry?!" I cut him off "You STOLE me from my family to experiment on me! Was Pietro not enough for you?"

"Jessica, just calm down and nobody else has to get hurt"

"Or what?" I smile whilst turning invisible in their eyes "You can't fight what you can't see Fury" I jeer at him a few feet from where I was originally. In all their confusion, I was able to walk past them easily and into the elevator to take me to their landing deck. Hoping to god their jets have autopilot, I pull the iPad from my backpack and quickly input the coordinates into the first jet I found. Behind me, I could hear the shouts of soldiers who have found where I am so instinctively I hit the auto close button, shutting the door at the back of the jet. I listen out for the click then immediately hit enter and the jet starts up, leaving the soldiers and Fury looking like ants on the deck.

I let out a huge sigh of relief, finally being rid of that place but quickly the realisation kicks in that not only am I about to see my family but they're going to find out that I've actually been alive for all those months that they've been grieving. I try to plan out what I'd say but the words never seem to surface

"You better all still be alive" I speak out hoping the universe hears me and actually gives me a break for once.

A few hours later, the jet alerts me that we're about to land at our destination. I can see in the nearby distance the battle already in full swing; taking a few deep breaths, I prepare myself not only for the fight but for the really ugly aftermath. The second we touch down I run out of the jet and through the trees until I reach the base.

I run right into the middle of the battlefield, focusing on stopping the heavy machinery and grenades from getting too close, throwing them up in the sky and placing a shield around them as they explode for extra protection

"Jess? What the fuck?!" Bucky shouts and starts to come over to me, caressing my face. I want nothing more than to melt into his touch but I remember where we are and what we're doing and I use my powers and throw him flying backwards through the air, sending him at least a hundred feet away from the battle

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ