Chapter 6

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The rest of the night was amazing. We ate and laughed and had such a good time. Peter thought it would be a fun idea to talk about our favourite memories of each other

"Ok ok so Mr Stark, what is your favourite memory of Jess" Peter announced 

"Well obviously every memory I have of her is my favourite but my all time favourite would have to be the day she called me dad for the first time. She was six and I dropped her off at school and she said 'goodbye daddy'"

"You remember that?" I ask 

"Of course, I cried for like 3 hours" My dad replies

"Peter, what's yours?" Nat asks

"When Jess punched a kid for being horrible to me" Peter replies

"When was this?" My dad asks 

"The other day" Peter says back taking a sip of his drink

"He deserved it dad!" I plead

"I'm sure he did" My dad laughs back  "Jess what's your favourite memory" 

"It depends, I have a favourite memory of each of you" I reply

"Tell us all of them then" Nat says 

"Ok well my favourite memory of my dad is the day he told me he was Iron man" 

"I remember that, you just burst out laughing" Steve adds

"Yeah I thought it was a joke until he put on the suit. My favourite memory of Nat is the day she told me I was as good as her at fighting"

"That's one of my favourite memories too" Nat says "I was so proud of you, you were so young as well"

I smile sweetly, noticing everyone's a bit upset "My favourite memory of Thor is teaching him out to take a selfie, when I got my phone back my camera roll was just filled with photos of him"

"What about me doll?" Bucky asks 

"Well" I say my smile now beaming as I turn to face him "You had only been here for a few months, everyone was away on a mission. It was the middle of the night and I couldn't sleep because I was so worried and you came into my room and asked if I wanted to make pancakes with you at 1 am. We danced to our favourite songs whilst making pancakes and eventually fell asleep on the sofa"

"That's your favourite memory?" Bucky laughs

"Yeah why, what's yours?" I ask

"The day I met you" He says and I blush "You came up to me not knowing who I was or what I'd done, introduced yourself and told me if I ate your cookies you'd kill me and then walked away"

"And it would've been your last memory if you ate my cookies" I point out

"Steve what's your favourite memory" Bucky asks "And you can't say meeting Peggy"

"I weren't going to say that, my favourite memory is actually of Jess" Steve replies

"Of me?!" I ask

"Yep, you must've been about 7 and you had a nightmare and you came running into my room crying your eyes out. I asked you if you wanted your dad and you said no you wanted me to fight the nightmares away. I never loved something so much as I loved you right then" He says and I start crying. I walk over to Steve and give him a massive hug

"Hang on why didn't you want me?" My dad blurts out

"Because she loves me more" Steve says

"If you're going to fight over who she loves more you're both going to lose.." Nat says

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