Chapter 27

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The next few days entailed secret meetings, outfit fittings and briefings all which drained Jessica completely. The mission was next week and she still hadn't been told why Fury needed her

(Jess's POV)

Walking down the empty corridor with Nick, I decided enough was enough. I stop walking and turn to him

"Jessica, I don't have time for your games... we need to go" He sighs clearly fed up

"I am not moving another step until you tell me exactly why you need me" I keep my arms folded and look him dead in the eye. He takes a deep breath before opening a door and practically shoving me inside

"Your powers, Jess , are second to no one and I'd be an idiot to keep you locked away when you could ultimately do the job a hundred men could do"

Shocked, I take a few steps back "Is this why you kept me alive?! Kept me away from my family, to work for you?!"

"No! I kept you alive because I could"

"BULLSHIT" I shout back venomously and back out of the room and run as fast as I could down the corridor, taking lefts and rights and going down what felt like a hundred steps to get back to my room. I lock the door and in a burst of anger I let as much of my powers as possible reach my hands and I slam the sofa Fury got me into the door. Standing for a moment to regain my breath, I stare at my hands and the power I just unleashed. After I've calmed myself I return to my bed and take out the iPad from under my pillow, before I could even turn it on I could feel Fury coming down the hall so I decided to send him a quick message

*Nick... I'm in my room, I'm calming down and I'll only leave once I'm ready*

Satisfied, I turn the iPad on and stare at the live footage as it were a reality show. Bucky and Peter were sat watching Star Wars: The rise of Skywalker. I smile brightly getting a sense of Deja vu


"Jess would love this" Peter blurts out making Bucky turn to him with a confused look "Us sat here watching Star Wars together" He smiles back at him but before he turns away Peter blurts out again "Do you remember that day you picked us up?"

"Yeah of course... we sat here together watching Star Wars"

"She calls that day 'the day that started it all'... sorry called" Peter corrects himself as I sit mournfully watching their interaction

"I suppose I owe Star Wars a lot then" Bucky smiles

"You know... sometimes I like to think she's watching over us, smiling and laughing" Peter mumbles shoving more popcorn in his mouth


"Oh you have no idea Pete" I laugh to myself as there's a knock on the door "Go away Fury". He ignores me and opens the door anyway, the sofa scraping on the floor as it does

"Jessica... the mission has been pushed forward to today, we need you now"

"Are you kidding me?" I ask him "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

"Jessica..." He begins but I cut him off by standing up

"You kept me alive for this right, I can do the job of a hundred men right? Are you going to kill me if I don't?"

"Of course not Jess but..."

"Yeah yeah I know, but listen" I say getting as close to him as I can "I already sacrificed myself once and look where that's got me... if you think for one minute I'm going down for someone then you can get that idea out of your head" I push passed him and walk out the door, I stop in the corridor and we turn to face each other "I am not on your side Nick, remember that" I spit out and continue walking

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now