Chapter 19

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The doors are blown open and dozens of SHIELD agents storm in, led by Nick Fury and Sharon by his side

"Fury! What the hell?!" My dad yells as he walks over to him 

"You are harbouring a Level 5 threat in this building without SHIELDS knowledge" Fury's voice booms through the room

"Level 5 threat, what are you talking about?" Steve adds 

Fury point his finger at me and says "Her" 

My dad's face drains as he looks at me. Bucky takes a defensive step in front of me and the rest of my family walks over too

"I don't know what you've been told Fury but my daughter is not a threat to you or to anyone" My dad growls back at him

"Oh really? I have evidence to prove you other wise Stark" Fury retorts and begins to play the video of me attacking Steve. This time it was my turn for my face to drain all colour. I remember that day, being so angry and hurt that I let the power take over "Agent Carter informed me of the threat several days ago and I was waiting for you to make the right decision and hand her over... clearly you can't" 

"Nick, are you hearing yourself? You're asking us to hand Jessica over WILLINGLY" Nat butts in 

"Her powers are under control..." Wanda begins but is cut off by Fury

"Her powers are not of this earth and therefore unpredictable"  

"Jessica got her powers from the exact same stone as Wanda and yet you never tried to imprison her!" My dad add, now yelling in Fury's face 

"No, that was you" Fury turns around to the agents dressed head to toe in armour "Grab her" he commands 

"Like hell you will!" My dad taps his chest and the iron suit attaches itself to him. Natasha and Bucky grab a gun from a hidden thigh holster. Wanda and Loki summon their magic and Thor summons Mjolnir. Whilst Sam, Bruce, Clint and Peter all stand in front of me 

"Steve, get that woman out of my sight!" Bucky yells 


"Before I kill her STEVE!" 

Steve goes to grab Sharon but three SHIELD agents point their guns at him until he backs away

"I don't give second warnings... men acquire the target" Fury orders and then agents begin marching forward. That's when all hell breaks loose...

My dad charges first, using his repulsors to send the agents flying and occasionally Steve whenever he got too close. Wanda and Loki fought back to back. Loki using the duplication spell to even out the odds and Wanda diverting most agents towards the Loki clones.

Nat and Bucky both fighting hand to hand combat, outstrengthed by the amount of weapons carried by the agents. An agent comes up behind Bucky as he fights another one off, he still hasn't noticed so I summon my powers and put a shield over every member of my family, allowing the shield wall to be thin enough to let my family still fight but not be affected by any blows. Whilst I'm occupied with shielding all the fighting family members, I don't notice an agent attack an unarmed Peter.

 My blood begins to boil and I allow the powers to take over. I encase the agent in a cloud of yellow, lift them off the floor and throw them at the nearest wall. I start walking through the crowd blasting each hostile with a ball of energy whilst keeping a shield over myself. Most agents are too distracted by the show and don't see most of the hits coming until they're too late. In the corner of my eye I notice that somebody shoots at Bucky. I immediately drop my shield I rush over to see if he's ok. Before I can even get there, two cuffs are placed onto my wrists bounding them together and I'm dragged even further away

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