Chapter 36

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I look out the window and see nothing but clouds. The contrast between the sky blue and the clouds is unbelievable. As a child you think that the sky is untouchable, a million miles away from your fingertips and here I am just sat on top of the whitest clouds I've ever laid my eyes upon.

I hear the buzz of my phone on the chair next to me and I drag my eyes away from the extraordinary sight I have on my left to look at my screen. Another dozen missed called off each of my family members. After the bombshell of Peppers pregnancy last night, I kept to my word. Whilst everyone else was sound asleep, credit to my powers for helping with that, I grabbed a suitcase and threw in some clothes and basic necessities, before hailing a taxi to JFK and jumping on the first flight to London.

My mind wanders to Bucky. My sweet Bucky. I just reunited with him, told him I'd never leave him and here I am 4 hours into a 7-hour flight across the world. I do the stupidest thing ever and open his messages

Bucky <3

Baby, where are you?

What the hell does this note mean?

Just answer me, we can work this out

Tell me where you are, I'll come to you

Jessica please!

Don't do this to me again

Please Jess, I love you

Read 07:21

Safe to say the last one broke my heart. I love him too, all of them, I just hope they love me enough to accept that I can't be there right now. I don't care that Sharon Carter might come after me again, I can't face my fucking dad for one more second. That lying motherfucker.


Jessica, I'm sorry

Where the FUCK are you?!

Are you kidding me?

(1) missed call

Jessica, answer the fucking phone now or so help me God

(2) missed calls

Just let me know you're alive at least

Read 07:26

If I'm not answering Bucky, then he must be pretty fucking stupid if he thinks I'm going to answer him. I know I'm being childish, and some may say over dramatic but come on, you come back from the dead and find out that not only is your dad is having a replacement baby, but he hasn't told the woman who is your second mother that you're alive... you'd be pretty fucking pissed too.

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