Chapter 26

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"Alpine, come here girl" Bucky whistles followed by paws pattering on the marble floor "Good girl" He praises before giving her a treat. The tower is louder than it's been in months, Alpine has lifted everyone's spirits and filled the Jess sized whole in their hearts. Bucky and Alpine go upstairs to the conference room where everyone else is waiting

"Sorry guys, someone just learned how to stay" He explains, the room erupts into 'good girl' and 'well done' along with multiple strokes and cuddles for the dog

"Anyway..." Tony continues "Fury has asked for a meeting regarding the Boston facility we took down a few months ago"

"Why now? Like you said it's been months" Pietro asks, standing protectively behind his sister

"He was giving us time to grieve Jess before making us recall what happened there, wasn't he?" Sam says, already knowing the answer

"Yeah... He wants at least three of us there" Tony sighs realising how much this might set people back "I've already agreed so I need two volunteers"

"I'll go" Natasha replies

"No Nat, you're not going not with how he spoke to you last time you saw him... I'll go" Clint quickly shuts her down

"And I'll go too" Steve raises his hand before letting Bucky have the chance

"Great... we leave in 10" Tony says speeding out the room, Steve and Clint following shortly after to get ready leaving an awkward silence in the room until

"Loki stop it!" Wanda shouts, gaining the attention of everyone remaining in the room

"I'm not doing anything" Loki snaps back

"Sis... what's the matter?" Pietro asks concerned for his sister, sitting down in the chair next her her he looks her up and down for any signs of wounds

"Someone is trying to get into my head" Wanda answers, slightly aggressive due to the pain

"I can try to intercept?" Loki asks, coming closer to her. She nods as much as she can and he closes his eyes attempting to figure out what or who is affecting Wanda. However before he can figure out who is trying to get into her head, the interference stops

"Damn it, I was so close!" Loki scolds himself

"Wand are you ok?" Pietro asks her again frantically

"Pietro I'm fine, Loki did you find anything?" Wanda waves her brother off

"I couldn't figure out who it was but the emission was close, really close" Loki explains, looking up to his brother in discomfort

"You don't think its...?" Thor attempts to subtly whisper to his brother

"Don't be absurd brother"  Loki snaps back

"What? Who does he think it is?" Bucky asks slightly annoyed at the private interaction

"My brother seems to believe that the emission came from Jess" Loki explains. Everybody looks at each other, their eyes lingering on Bucky a little longer than the rest

"Yeah because a dead girl can use her powers" He scoffs and leaves the room, Alpine trailing after him

"Really Thor?" Natasha scowls and shakes her head before running after him                            

"Did I say something?" He asks innocently


Natasha manages to catch up to Bucky and finds him in Jess's room just sat on the floor stroking Alpine

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)Where stories live. Discover now