Chapter 1

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*Quick back story- Jess shares a bathroom with Steve, different rooms. Bucky also lives on the same floor with Sam. Tony lives 3 floors above with Natasha, Wanda and Bruce. The guest floor is below Jess's floor which belongs to Thor, Loki and Clint*


"STEVEEEEE" I yell storming out of my bathroom with a towel wrapped around me dripping wet

I see Steve sat at the breakfast bar eating a bowl of cereal, my dad sat on the sofa reading todays newspaper. He points a finger at Steve

"What did you do now?" He asks

"This giant, selfish man has used all the hot water!" I yell point a finger, remembering to keep one hand on my towel

"This tower is 18 storeys, multiple rooms and you manage to use all the hot water" My dad says now standing up and walking over. Steve just shrugs

"For that, you're driving me to school" I say as I storm off

"Use the bathroom in my room" my dad shouts after me

"Stupid Steve using all the stupid water" I mumble to myself as I walk to my dads room leaving a trail of water dripping after me. 


I freeze and turn around slowly to see Bucky on the floor

"Bucky! I'm so sorry" I rush over and lend him a hand. He swats my hand away and stands up himself 

"People have tried to kill me in worse ways" He says with a little laugh

"I'm sorry, Steve used all our hot water so I'm on my way to my dads bathroom" I apologise again

"Just use mine, It's closer so you'll kill less people" He says with a little smirk and wink before he walks towards the kitchen area. I take his offer and go into his bathroom

"Ahhh hot water, I've missed you" I sigh with relief. 

After my shower I shout into Bucky's room to make sure he isn't in there, which he isn't. Before I walk out, I notice a black leather jacket hanging on a chair and decide it'll look good with my outfit I've planned out. I run into my room put on a white vest top and red skirt and Bucky's black leather jacket. I'm finishing my hair when Steve shouts

"If we don't go now you're going to be late missy!" 

"Coming!" I shout back. I grab my bag and run into the kitchen. Bucky stands up straight and looks at me confused

"Is that my jacket?" He asks

"Yeah?" I reply like he's asked me a stupid question

"Why are you wearing it?" my dad asks

"It looks better on me" I reply

"This is the thanks I get for letting you use my shower?" Bucky says

"No sweetheart, this is what you get for letting a girl in your room unsupervised" I smile smugly as walk into the elevator. I look at Steve

"Steven we're going to be late, gosh you need to be more responsible" I send a cheeky wink to my dad who laughs so much he nearly falls off his chair. 


"Sorry for using all the hot water" Steve says as he's driving me to school

"It's cool, besides if you didn't I wouldn't have been able to steal Bucky's Jacket" I reply with an innocent smile

"I'm surprised he's let you in his room, let alone wear his favourite clothes" 

"This is his favourite?" I ask and Steve nods  "I know Bucky's a private person but he's never been like that with me, he always lets me in his room"

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