Chapter 11

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I run as fast as I can back to the Palace, thinking about what I'm going to say to Thor or Loki. I burst through the doors and see Thor walking with Loki out of the throne room

"Jess?" Loki mumbles as I stand there out of the breath. He rushes over and brushes the hair out of my face "What's happened?" 

I look up at Thor "I had a vision, you need to take me home right now". He looks at me hesitantly 

"NOW THOR" I yell

Without another second Thor summons Heimdall, I grab onto Thor and Loki and disappear through the Bifrost. A minute later we land at the tower

"DAD!" I yell rushing around "BUCKY, STEVE, NAT?" 

"Jess?" I turn and see Bucky. I run up to him and give him the biggest hug ever. He manages to pull me off and looks at me, I focus on him to see what he's thinking 

*What is she wearing and why does she look so damn freaking good in everything?* 

I giggle slightly.

"Where is everyone?" I say at a very stunned Bucky

"I- I don't know" He finally replies. 

I walk back over to Loki and Thor "Go to he meeting room immediately, Bucky go with them" I bark orders and they listen and do as they're told

"FRIDAY call all Avengers for an emergency meeting immediately" 

I walk to the meeting room and see Thor, Loki, Bucky and Bruce waiting

"Bruce!" I say whilst giving him a hug

"Jessie, what are you doing here?" Before I can respond Nat comes running through the door

"What's the emerg- JESS?!" She runs over to me and pulls me into a hug, I pull away after a few minutes 

"Nat you need to sit down for this" She sits next to Bucky. A few seconds later Sam and Clint walk in followed by Wanda who looks at me funny, I focus on her and say in my mind

*Yes I have powers but you cannot tell anybody yet!* 

She nods and sits down with the biggest smile on her face

"Who the hell called an emergency meeting?!" My dad yells as he walks through the door "I was sleep- Jessica?"

"Hi dad" 

"Tony what's this abo-" Steve says before stopping right next to my dad "What's going on?"

"You two sit down please" I say in their direction and they do, eyes still firmly on me "Today I had a sort of vision which corroborates what Dr Strange saw" 

"What exactly did you see?" Clint says suspiciously 

"Two men were talking about a weapon that's being made to target the Avengers and wipe them out. After their conversation I heard two words" I look over at Bucky "Hail Hydra..." I feel so many emotions in the room it becomes slightly overwhelming. I feel fear from Bucky and A lot of anger from everyone

"Mr Stark I got an alert for an emergency meeting, I ran-" He looks at me and I see tears forming in his eyes "Is this real?"

"Do you wanna hug me and find out?" I say opening my arms out. He runs into my arms and I can feel him cry a little. I try my hardest not to hear what he's saying but it's so loud 

*Don't leave me again, don't ever leave me again*

"I'm not going to leave you again don't worry" I comfort him. We pull away after he realises he just cried in front of the Avengers. He tried to play it off as hay fever but obviously no one believed him, everyone was nice enough to not bring it up again though. For the next few hours we all sit and talk about my vision with people having their own tasks of looking into Hydra, active Hydra bases, possible weapons that could be used and how we're going to fight back. 

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