Chapter 29

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(Jess's POV)

"Hey Nick?" I turn so I'm facing him, he looks up from his newspaper with an agitated look "I just happened to come across the latest mission report log... crazy right?!" He huffs as he folds his paper and places it on the seat next to him

"Get to the point Stark..." He rolls his eyes with no patience

"Well I was wondering if I could assist" I bite my lip and hold my breath waiting for his answer. He studies my face for a moment, completely emotionless. There was no point using my powers either, this man was as solid as a rock!

"The mission involving Natasha Romanoff, Steven Rogers, Clint Barton and Samuel Wilson? Four of your family members... after what happened on the last mission?"

"Well you have been letting me actually train with my powers now so I have better control" I state my argument "Also I'm like a pro at turning invisible now, I barely use any of my energy" I say showing him a demonstration. Since my last mission, I really have made a lot of progress regarding my powers. I'm able to use more power using less energy and I've practically mastered the invisibility

"Jessica" He warns, teeth gritted a little "You know I hate it when you do that"

"As long as Loki or Wanda aren't on the mission then I should be good, right? They're the only two that could possibly intercept my powers" My case is closed, there's no excuse for him to make now. He huffs a final time before slapping his knees and standing up

"Get your ass up and ready, you leave in one hour" He exits the door and I do a little dance before doing as he says and getting my ass up and ready


"You remember the rules" He says for the hundredth time as we're driving to the site

"Yes Nick, invisible the whole time and no interacting" I roll my eyes but deep down I'm just thankful that I get to see them. As soon as we get to the site, I jump out the car and start heading towards the building

"Jessica!" Fury scolds

"Just because you can see me doesn't mean the others can" I shout back and I swear you could hear his eyes roll. When I enter the building, I hold my breath noticing Natasha in the distance, quickly shake my head and remember my mission. I walk slowly and as quiet as I can down the halls, the group had their own mission objective from Fury, my objective is to obtain certain information that the avengers don't have clearance to know about. Nick dropped his mind barrier just enough during briefing that I could hear him appreciate my offer as he was going to ask anyway at a later date. I hear grunting from the corridor next to me, I immediately recognise the voice

"Stevie" I whisper to myself. I try my hardest not to engage, putting my hand over my mouth attempting to silence any involuntary noises that may escape

"South west hall cleared, on my way to you" He says authoritatively and runs off in the opposite direction to me. A tear trickles down my face but I quickly wipe it away and head to my destination. All the guards were north of the facility, fighting my family completely unaware of my presence. Making my way into a security room, I quickly hack into the camera security to see exactly where everyone is, Natasha is in the main controls room, Steve is heading to the north east part of the facility to Natasha and Sam is West bound whilst Clint is no where to be seen.

I upload as much of their security intel I could find onto the pen drive Fury gave me. I see a folder containing hundreds of names, including those of the Avengers and other enhanced people. I go to click on it when I notice the top left screen flash and Natasha leaving the controls room, I saw this as an opportunity for me to head up there. I pull out the drive and look back at the camera just to make sure the coast is clear before running back out the door heading north west. Upon reaching the control room, I stop and listen out to see if anyone is close. Satisfied I sneak my way in and head for the main control panel

The life of Jessica Stark (Bucky x OC)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें