Rhea Ripley-Jealousy

Start from the beginning

She made her entrance with loud cheers echoing around the arena. Your music hit and there wear a mixture of cheers and boos which you didn't care about. All you wanted to do was release anger.

Short Things During The Match

You would grab her by the hair laughing as she screamed in pain, Choke her until the ref has to forcefully pull you away. Flip off any fans that booed you, you know the heel things. You got in the corner and spear her for the win.

Your music played with some cheers but, mostly boos but, You felt like that wasn't enough. You needed to inflict more pain so, you pushed the ref back and started to attack her. Kicking her in the stomach, punching her square in the face. Basically doing anything and everything you can to make her feel the pain.

The Judgment Day music played just for it to be Rhea running down the ramp "Y/n what are you doing stop!" She yelled grabbing you off. Y'all stood there looking at each other until you left the ring bumping shoulders. You could hear the "ohh's" echo around the arena as Rhea looked confused.

You went to Alexa's lockeroom knowing Rhea would be looking for you and wanting an explanation. "Hey Lexi you think I can spend the night at your place?" "Yeah of course." You took a shower and got your bags and left with her.

For the rest of the day you ignored Rhea. Everytime she would come near you wouldn't say anything, you would look at her and walk away, she even tried calling you once you left the arena but, you decline and left her on read. And it was really starting to piss her off.

Rhea's POV

I don't know what's wrong with Y/n, she's been ignoring me every since my match. I've been spam texting her and she would leave me on read. "I don't know what's wrong with her she's ignoring me" I told Liv who was sitting across from me at the bar "Did you say anything or ignored her?" She asked me "No I haven't even talked to her since my match." I said "Maybe she's on period?"

"No we had it last week." I reminded her "Oh! Ask Alexa. They're best friends right?" She suggested "I tried but she didn't even look at me." I said taking another swing of the beer "Ask again. If there both giving you dirty looks around the arena as Rhea looked confused.

You went to Alexa's lockeroom knowing Rhea would be looking for you and wanting an explanation. "Hey Lexi you think I can spend the night at your place?" "Yeah of course." You took a shower and got your bags and left with her.

For the rest of the day you ignored Rhea. Everytime she would come near you wouldn't say anything, you would look at her and walk away, she even tried calling you once you left the arena but, you decline and left her on read. And it was really starting to piss her off.

Rhea's POV

I don't know what's wrong with Y/n, she's been ignoring me every since my match. I've been spam texting her and she would leave me on read. "I don't know what's wrong with her she's ignoring me" I told Liv who was sitting across from me at the bar "Did you say anything or ignored her?" She asked me "No I haven't even talked to her since my match." I said "Maybe she's on period?"

"No we had it last week." I reminded her "Oh! Ask Alexa. They're best friends right?" She suggested "I tried but she didn't even look at me." I said taking another swing of the beer "Ask again. If there both giving you dirty looks then she knows something we don't." She reasoned. "Fine I'll ask her tomorrow." | said getting up heading to the car.

I walked in the house and all the lights were off. I walked around and saw everything the same as we left it this morning 'So she never came home' I though. Then where was she?

Rhea🖤👻: Babe where are you?

Rhea🖤👻: Y/n?

Rhea🖤👻: Y/n!

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