C H A P T E R . 35

Start from the beginning

Raman :- Yess .

Prakash :- So , when I said it to Babe she suggested me if I want to Merge into any company then why not to Merge into your's . Even I thought the same but then I realize it won't be good but when Babe suggested the same I can't stop myself from asking you .

Raman :- But Prakash I already said you right what is the need to Merge your company when you are already in profits . Neil will handle in few years fully right not like now but he will take over your position and company so what is the need for Merging , Prakash ! Do you really think it is a good idea .

Prakash :- There is a need Raman . Neil is not going to take over business . I don't want him to stop his passion and work here where he is least interested in .

Raman :- Did Neil said he will not take over business ?

Prakash :- He didn't Raman . He himself told me before going to Lonavla with Avni that he will take over after few months . But I don't want him to stop his love for me . He loves Music it is his dream , passion , love everything . He is ready to giveup his dreams for me Raman but how can I let it happen . I am his father and it is my duty to give what ever he wish for . Till now Neil had not asked anything from me Raman from childhood to now .

Raman :- I understand Prakash but Neil himself is ready to take over then what is the problem Prakash ?

Parakash :- You know what Raman , when Neil asked me for going on a holiday trip for few months after his MBA got over his thought was to join in office as a employee , he thought it for me . But how can I not understand his passion Raman , so I asked him to Live his life and do what he wants to do and after lot of struggle he said me his aim is to become a singer , music director a rock star . It is his Love .

You don't know Raman , for Neil Music and Avni are his Two eyes whithout which he can't live and see his life . But still he decided to give up on his Music as he had already achived what he wants to . But I don't want that Raman . Yes , I accept he had already achived what he wants but now if he suddenly stops it then what will happen to his fans and somewhere he will also be not happy Raman and I can't see my son like that .

Raman :- I accept Prakash what ever you said was absolutly true and I had also seen what Music is for Neil in his eyes . He as that pride in his eyes Prakash which Sweatha always wished for . And I also know it was Sweatha's wish and Neil's pride . But Prakash as of now how Neil is working he can do the same even after taking the charge there is no need to stop Music Prakash .

Prakash :- We can't and should not do two works at the same time Raman don't forget that , at last we can not concentrate in anything . Till now I am there in his absence but once he takes over it I will not be available to see whether everything is going right or not .

Raman :- Seems like you had already planned everything Prakash . There is no need to take tension yaar when there is Avni to take of everything in absence of Neil . She will look after Khanna industries when it is needed .

Prakash :- It will be stressfull for her Raman taking care of two companies at a time . And I don't want my Bahu to stress .

Raman :- Bahu !! Comeon she isn't your Bahu yet Prakash . You can say future Bahu too .

Prakash :- When it is already decided she is Bahu then why to say future Bahu . I have decided it long back .

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