Sophie pours alcohol straight from the bottle into a girl's mouth and kisses her after she swallows it.

"But, I wanted to be a chef, so I came back to Rousseau's."

Jane-Anne enters Rousseau's to find her sister.

"Oh, Jane-Anne!" Jane-Anne smiles and the girls hug affectionately.

"Welcome home, Soph. Can we go some place to talk?"

"Just tell me." Sophie spoke slightly concerned.

"The elders called a vote. We're moving forward with the Harvest." Jane admitted.

"What?" Sophie said stunned.


"What the hell is a Harvest?" Damon asked crossing his arms.

"It's a ritual their coven does every three centuries so that the bond to their ancestral magic is restored. They appease to their ancestors, they keep their ancestral power flowing." Serena answers as the information slowly comes to her. They all look at her stunned. "What? I've heard of it."

"And why haven't I heard of this?" Klaus asked skeptically.

"Because a Harvest always seemed like a myth. A story, passed on through generations like Noah's ark, or the Buddha walking on water. The kind some people take literally, and some people don't." Stefan told him. Serena nods agreeing. Stefan was the one to teach Serena about all this since she was the only one to have magic and he wanted her to know everything about magic and witches.


There are close to a dozen young witches are standing and kneeling in a row outside a farmhouse. An older witch, Bastianna, holds a knife as she paces in front of the girls. She stops in front of the first girl, Monique, and makes a small cut on the palm of her hand.

"To be reborn, we must sacrifice." Bastianna started.

"To be reborn, we must sacrifice." Monique repeats nervously.

"To be reborn, we must have faith." Bastianna cuts the palm of the next girl Cassie.

"To be reborn, we must have faith." Cassie repeated.

"Do you have faith in the Harvest?" Bastianna cuts the hand of the third girl, Abigail.

"Not for a second!" Sophie shows up and stomps toward the witches.

"Sophie!" Monique calls out surprised.

"What are you doing?" Sophie looks to Bastianna.

"Saving the community you renounced." Bastianna looks away from the witch in front of her.

"You're all ridiculous. Monique, seriously?" Sophie looks back to her.

"My mom told me I had to." She spoke back reluctantly.

"Yeah. Well, your mom and I are gonna have words." Davina is the last girl in the row, and she watches in worry as Sophie storms away.


"They had the girls of our community preparing for months. Four would be chosen for the Harvest. They said that it was an honor, that they were special. I thought it was a myth." Sophie explained.

"Was it?" Rebekah questioned. Sophie looks guilty, but before she can say anything, Klaus's cell phone rings.

"Marcel. Bit early in the day for you, isn't it?" Klaus gets up walking out. Serena raises an eyebrow and debates silently to follow him, after a moment she does hoping to hear what they were speaking about.

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