Chapter 56

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Chapter 56



"Do you have it?" I asked with hand stretched out in front of me, palm facing upwards.

A small thin book was slapped on them. I curled my hand around the book and tried to pull it, but was stopped. I raised a questioning eyebrow at Lizzy who stared down at me with an unreadable expression.

"Why do you need it?" She questioned, suspicious leaking in her words.

I rolled my eyes at her and yanked the book in my direction. "You'll figure it out soon."

"I want to know now!" She insisted.

I sighed and decided to give her half truth. "I am taking Scarlett out for a small vacation. She had enough stress these past days. I think she should have a well deserved rest."

A look of realisation passed her face as she nodded at me. A smile stretching across her face. I relaxed knowing that she believed it and would not question any further.

"That's great. I'm so excited now that I know you plan to surprise her." Lizzy clapped her hands before face palming herself. She left me in the living room of their house and rushed towards her room. She came out with a small suitcase. "Here, I packed everything as you asked and she has no idea about her missing clothes."

"Ah! Thank you." I appreciate Lizzy's help in finding me Scarlett's passport and packing her some clothes.

"You'd thank me when she wears them." Lizzy smirked and winked at me.

Confused at her subtle hint, I slowly nodded my head. "Okay." I trailed.

She just chuckled. "How long will you be gone?"

"Say 4-5 days." I replied as I pocketed Scarlett's passport. Lizzy only nodded in reply with a grin on her face. I ignored her look and said, "I think we should leave now or else they'll start to wonder why it took us so long to get a congratulations cake for Max for which an order has been placed an hour ago."

Lizzy laughed but agreed with me. With that we quickly left their apartment and drove to the cake shop from where we had to collect it.

It's been a week since Scarlett was discharged from the hospital. The doctor gave the clearance with strict instructions that she has to get plenty of rest and absolutely no stress. For this reason, I decided to plan something for her. It was supposed to be the next day of her discharge, but my family did not leave her side for atleast 2 days. After having people hovering over her, Scarlett decided it was better to go back to her apartment for much needed peaceful environment.

Mark, Scarlett's father accompanied her to the apartment to take care of her and I'm guessing to also try and mend their relationship. He had to start somewhere. During this time, I made sure she was safe and healthy and under no stress. I constantly visited her, so much so that her father actually complained about me to Scarlett while they were in the kitchen. I paid him no attention and kept visiting her. I wanted to take her back to Wilson house, but Scarlett wanted some space to deal with everything and digest all the facts.

The culprits of her case were taken care off. They were going to rotten in jail for sometime now. Scarlett was called down to the station a few times in this week to give her statement and complete the procedure.

As the days passed, we were made aware that Max's graduation was coming closer and so Gwen and Ryan wanted to throw a party for him and his friends. Since Dad has given them their credit card and car back, the twins were in a full celebration mood.

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