C H A P T E R . 30

Start from the beginning

Parth :- I know Maa but you also know na in which circumstances I am now and why I am doing this . Why me Maa always ? Why God is so unfair with me since childhood . Am I not good enough to live with family ? To Have family ? To be with the persons I love the most ? Why Maa , Why always Me ? For the first time I am feeling pity on myself . It is better to die rather than living in this Living Hell Maa where I can't even be with Love of my Life .

Neela :- Shshsh , bacha I know this is very hard for you ....

Parth :- Avuu is never mine now ! How can I live without her Maa ?

Neela :- She was never your's Parth . I know it is hard but this is the Truth bacha she is and will be only Neil's . You two never had a Story bacha it was always Neil .

Parth :- Maa I know we have never had a story but only movements but now those were to taken away from me .

Neela :- Parthuu this decision was ours . We had taken it together . And we will stick to it together . Yes ,, you had movemets together so preserve them and I am 100% sure when we will be back to India your Avuu will be come to you not as a Lover but as Your Good friend which you both are .

Parth :- Then what about my Heart Maa . What should I say to it ? It is screaming Avuu's name , my heart .... it is bleeading Maa . I know this day will come sooner or later but never thought it will be this early and heart breaking .

His voice is craking with every word he utter . He is really hating his life now . Never ever he asked for anything but when he did God had taken it from him in the most cruel way .

Neela :- This is the time Parth cry how much you want to in the end don't loose your hope this is the time where you need to be hell strong so that you can go through surgery without any complications , if you take stress then it will affect your nerves bacha . Cry and cry untill you losse your senses and when you wakeup tomorrow start your life with new begining .

Parth :- I don't want any new beginning Maa if I start fresh then there will be no Chinnu in my Life . She is my Life and I don't want  any Life where she is not there . I will Move ahead for sure Maa but not live my life again I used to . I will not Move on from her but I will move on ahead for you Maa . Maa you go and sleep , you need rest and I want to be alone atleast till tommorow .

Neela :- As your wish but I want my old Parthuu back .

She said trying to immitate Avni in a innocent way .

Parth :- Maa you are not Avuu please don't make it more hard for you .

He said drinking his own tears glumping down hard .


Soon 5 days passed leading the day arrived where Parth is going to Paris .

In these days Avni didn't contacted him nor he did .

Where as Avni she is sad not about one but for two things .

1) That day after they confession and agony , as expected by Parth she caugh with fever , viral fever which lasted till today .
In all these days she become weak , everyone had taken a good care of her . Neil was always with her from morning to night , taking care of her .

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