"Now you've gotten me even more worried about him..." Crystal wrapped herself in the embrace of her exposed arms and rubbed her sides to warm herself up and calm down. "I just don't understand why he never called me back..."

A handful of familiar energy signatures made Chayote settle on rather rolling the dice than continuing this conversation. "Honestly, you're better off without this oaf. What did you say you do? Sell car insurance? Lady, that's pretty badass. You've got a job of Krillin's dreams so you can score way higher than a guy who's so good at running away he styled his entire fighting style around it."

Crystal blinked a few times in confusion. A single lock of hair stood up on her head, breaking out of a perfectly curled and put-together formation. Goku, Gohan, and Chi-Chi arrived incredibly early, given that they lived halfway across the world and, judging from the looks of it, traveled here in an actual car. In the middle of her casual pacing toward the new arrivals, Chayote noticed Videl butting out from a crowd of teen-aged baseball fans and approaching the group, having gotten the same idea as Chayote. Probably because talking to these airheads annoyed Videl as much as it irked Chayote to be here.

"Hello, Gohan-kun," Videl bowed politely, seeing how she was greeting her martial arts instructor in the presence of his parents. Her not knowing the kind of simple people they were and acting so intimidated by them made Chayote smirk and forget all about her menial frustrations.

"Yo, Chayote!" Goku saluted the approaching Saiyan, completely ignoring Videl. This made the teen's eye twitch and her jaw drop as the grown man just waltzed off of his family and approached the fellow Saiyan to talk to her. He must've felt as out of water here as Chayote did, though being brought up by Bulma, Chayote was probably a lot more used to formal events such as these. "Did you come here all by yourself?"

"No, Satan dragged me here. Sometimes I wonder who it was that truly knew Yamcha from all the way back, huh?" Chayote groaned, feeling happy to see someone feeling as out of their element as she was.

"So, Gohan... Who's this nice and well-mannered young lady?" Chi-Chi ground her teeth at Goku's back, trying to salvage the incredibly rude walkaway of her husband's. Though, because of her emotional overreaction, she looked much more frightening and inviting awkwardness than the stunt her husband pulled as Videl appeared distraught and unsure what exactly she did wrong.

"W-Well... This is Videl. I'm teaching her martial arts. With her help, I may end up getting into Orange Star Primary School and then–Orange Star High School! That's one of the best high schools in the entire world!" Gohan tried to excuse himself and his pastime activity to Chi-Chi.

"Huh? How would teaching this girl martial arts get you into a fancy school?" Chi-Chi placed her hands on her hips, looking genuinely too confused and curious to be angry about the fact that his son's been teaching a girl his age martial arts on the side.

"My father is Mark Satan," Videl crossed her arms and made a proud expression with brief peeks to see if her instructor's mother was in awe of this revelation. "He's a mighty hero of humanity and a soon-to-be King of the World. If he as much as pats Gohan-kun's shoulder on the camera, he'll get into any school imaginable."

"I don't get what the big deal about this is..." Chi-Chi scratched her head. "Why'd you need to teach this young lady martial arts and waste your time when Chayote can wink his way and get you into any school, anyway?"

"What the heck, Chi-Chi!?" Chayote flipped out. "Just what kind of relationship do you think I and Mark Satan have?"

"Wait... You mean... You're not..." Chi-Chi pointed at Chayote with grand perplexity, making her face go pale.

"Come on, Chi-Chi!" Chayote grabbed her head, feeling blood accelerating with rapid pumps through her veins, which made her clothes feel especially tight around her as her bodily mass threatened to bulk up from anxiety-induced stress. "Just because we live in the same mansion and raise our children together doesn't mean we're next in line to get married! We live our own lives, it's just that Mark Satan insists I live in his estate. Sometimes his servants help take care of Navy, sometimes I help him out with Videl's troubles. That's all it is."

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