"Damn it... Without Vegeta pulling the strings, Chayote went berserk..." Bardock hissed out, desperately working to overcome his injuries and return to his feet, but he couldn't. That may have been for the better, however, as any movement from his part may have caught the attention of the rampaging lime-furred rage monster that'd have obliterated him in a blink.

"Hmph... It would be all too pleasant to leave you all here to bleed out or get eaten by this freak of nature. I'd imagine no better punishment for Chayote than to be forced to devour her friends whole or smash them like berries under a boot, but... I will not allow any creature to reign supreme over me! I am the Ultimate Android and the solution to the omnipotence paradox will be meaningless if I am not the almighty being in the universe!" the Ultimate Android lit up with a vibrant, warm-red aura as the pure-white energy beams fired off from his eyes. "Bionic Punisher!" he yelled out, supercharging his energy beams to their full intensity to sever Chayote's tail with a quick swipe of the beams.

The distraught colossal monster roared out in a twinge that passed over its rear end but, instead of severing the tail, the Ultimate Bionic Punisher merely left a trail of black scrapes and burns over the lime fur without even breaking the skin. This outcome severely shocked the Ultimate Android, who covered himself up and yelled out something unintelligible and fear-driven out of instinct as the Legendary Great Ape became distracted with him instead of the next loudmouth to pique its attention.

A devastating low blow blasted the levitating icy platform Ultimate Gero stood on to pieces. The battered Ultimate Android took up into the air, covering himself up and whining in agony as the thrashing beast began smacking and slapping and stomping him about with no forethought. Not even the impeccable Data Input function could predict the utter berserk warrior madness of a raging beast. Grabbing the beaten Ultimate Android with its free hand, the Legendary Great Ape began smashing and grounding it into its hand with its other fist before shaking the droopy with machine oil ruins and jabbing at it playfully like a cat teasing its soon-to-be-prey.

After a barrage of quick jabs, the Legendary Great Ape kicked the Ultimate Artificial Human off into the stratosphere before jumping up into the sky and disappearing even higher up. The Ultimate No. 20 grabbed hold of its battered head, shaking himself to awaken and get himself through the daze and confusion. By the time he noticed the bent out-of-shape and blazing planetoid over his head, it had been too late. Having grabbed a nearby moon with both its arms, like a basketball, the Legendary Great Ape straight out dunked it at its loopy prey and carried the rocky and fiery mess all the way back down to the planet.

The disastrous super-impact caused a tremendous expulsion of fire and molten minerals into the air in an expanding pillar as a concussive shock wave capable of obliterating and shoving every atom from the body of anyone unlucky to have been caught in its wake trembled and spread through the planet. Seeing the devastating impact, Bardock grabbed hold of Yamcha and put him over his shoulder, floating toward Vegeta and kicking him sideways to fly atop of Goku's limp and crippled body. Outracing the incoming shock wave felt impossible. The deafening rumbling, the white light, and the searing heat felt like they were nearly caressing Bardock's cheek, but Yamcha's hand felt Vegeta's back at just the right time to Instant Transmission them out of there.


"What's going on?" Bulma's worried voice was the first thing to reach Bardock, who just wanted some peace and quiet after having just pulled out from that absolute nightmare. "Where's Chayote?"

Bardock stretched out over the pleasant steel floor of the Capsule Corps Star, feeling like his rattled ribcage flat out thrived in the artificial conditions of the simulated Earth-like gravity of the station compared to the gravitational conundrum that was the soon-to-be-dead planet Ultimate Gero and Chayote were left on. A teen girl carrying a few scrapes and bruises with an absolutely blood-soaked karate gi modestly approached the sprawled-out Saiyan warrior.

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