He chuckles, "Come here make me show you something" he tells me, I smile and shake my head.

"Gwaan go put on clothes!"

Treys Pov
1:50 pm

"I'm outside come open the door" I tell her over the phone.

"Okay" she responds sounding annoyed as she hangs up.

When she opens the door the annoyance in her voice from moments ago is now evident on her face.

"You okay?" I ask curiously, she was fine hours ago when I dropped her off, what could this be about?

"I really don't want to talk about it can we go?" She asks looking at me with pleading eyes.

I decide not to push further and just pick up her bag and walk to the car. She locks up later joining me in the car.

I realize she's quieter than usual , looking and sitting away from me.

"Taiesha what is wrong?" glance over at her and she hesitates before answering

"Nothing is wrong" she chuckles

"Are you lying to me right now?" My voice stern,

"Trey it's really nothing, I'm fine" she lies again.

Annoyed, I drive off fast speeding down the road, I just want to be home. I had plans but now my mood has taken a dive.

Why is she acting like this?

We arrive at the house and she gets out without a word. Entering the house I'm begining to get tired of this unsolicited attitude.

"Tai" I call to her and she comes to a halt in the middle of the passage.

"Yes Trey?"she says in a breath of irritation turning to face me.

"Why you a act like this?"

"I'm not acting any wa-"

"Don't tell me bullshit" my voice comes out harsher than intended and she raises her eyebrows looking at me.

"When I dropped you off this morning you where fine, did something happen in between that?"

"I've just been having a bad day, nothing more can we leave it at that?" Her voice calm as she looks at me intently.

My jaw clenches but I concede.

Deciding to drop it and head upstairs behind her.

Tai's Pov

Hours later


I haven't been completely honest with him...

I want to tell him that i want more for our relationship, if you can call it that.

The thing is as much as I want him, I'm scared of being hurt again....That fear had caused me to stay clear of any bond I've thought of building.

I'm scared to put myself into someone and that energy not be reciprocated.

I also don't know if he likes me enough to be official, a guy like Trey is usually a player, for Christ sake he's a college athlete that quite obviously has money .

We haven't slept together so I don't think he's in it for that but we've been 'dating' casually for a while now.

As we sit on his bed scrolling through Netflix trying to find something to watch, I decide to ask the question that has been bothering me all day.

"Trey can I ask you something..."I ask looking at him

He turns to me giving me his undivided attention, waiting for me to speak.

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