"Lock up, Bulma. This sight won't be for the delicate eyes of Earthling women," Super Vegeta smirked back at his arranged wife before turning his attention back to the hunched over Ultimate Artificial Human. As instructed, the door to Bulma's laboratory closed shut and the Capsule Corps Star began re-configuring again according to Bulma's command to make her tougher to find.


"This sucks! We won't get to see dad rip that guy apart!" Trunks objected with a childish whine, crossing his arms and pouting his lips while blowing out his cheeks.

"That was your father's request, Trunks. One that I just happened to agree with. It's a rare occasion that such occurs which is why I didn't hesitate to act on it," Bulma closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, crossing up her legs and spinning around before pointing at the ceiling and calling out a monitor to show her the fight.

"Bulma-san, can you please shift us to the engine room where Gohan last was? I can't believe that he's really dead. I have to make sure," Videl approached Bulma with a determined look on her face. With a sly smirk on her face, Bulma turned to the control panel and began rolling her busy hands across the holographic keyboard that lit up with all the colors of the specter when Bulma interfaced with it.

"Not fair!" Trunks shook his tiny fists out in front of him. "Why does she get to rescue her boyfriend but I can't see dad fight live?"

"He's not my boyfriend, you brat!" Videl growled while doing her best to restrain her instinct to pound the boy's head in front of his mother, whose help she still needed. "He owes me martial arts lessons! My father is Mark Satan, so that should tell you how much we're paying for those! I won't just let an investment like that go to waste!"

"Whatever, my mom's richer than your dad..." Trunks pulled his lower eyelid down while sticking out his tongue meanwhile flipping the bird with his free hand.

"I see that hanging around your father is a bad influence on you, Trunks. Perhaps we should resume your business classes to groom you for becoming the next Capsule Corps president instead of the next King of Saiyans?" Bulma disciplined her boy without having to look at him.

"What? No way! Those are boring me to tears!" Trunks began pointing his hands everywhere and jumping about with capricious hyperactivity to catch his mother's attention. After all, if she looked at him, she'd see just how much he hated that idea. "I'm sorry, Videl, I'll help you look for Gohan."

"That's better," Bulma nodded before slamming her index finger on one last button, which made the door open up only to let choking black smoke in from the blazing engine room. "The Capsule Corps Star is picking up puny life signs in that direction, though it could be either Gohan or Krillin. Go ahead, you two."

Neither Videl nor Trunks needed confirmation of the permission they'd been waiting for.


"You'll pay for making a fool out of me!" Super Vegeta rushed forward with a wound back fist and weaved under the Ultimate Android's cross to deliver an uppercut to the Ultimate Gero's gut. This appeared to only deal moderate damage as the Ultimate Android staggered back on wobbly legs but didn't collapse. Jumping up into the air, Super Vegeta blasted the Ultimate Artificial Human away through the nearest hallway wall with a push kick and blazed up with a golden aura to pursue after him.

The golden comet came in from multiple directions, kicking and thrashing the airborne Ultimate Artificial Human about before smacking a chop to his sides to make the Ultimate Gero spin around wildly. This opened him up for a thunderous right kick to blast the heavyweight Artificial Human through another hallway. As Super Vegeta's golden aura rippled, it bent out space and time itself before turning into a solid, golden beam of light carrying the rushing King of Saiyans forward.

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