The throne was empty. The velvet red cushion had no body sprawled on it, and the crown was placed on the corner of the table, placed on a small blue cushion. Evelynn's eyes widened. Her eyes slid to the empty chair closest to it, and another empty chair opposite it. Evelynn's heart dropped to her stomach.

"No," she mumbled. "Where-" her eyes slid to her General. "What?-" her court members stared blankly towards her before standing up in rhythm.

She watched her Commander swallow. His blue eyes searched for eyes that were not hers, creating a stir in Evelynn's gut. He wiped his hand across his forehead and placed it knuckled onto the table.

"Three months ago-" He began, Evelynn shook her head momentarily.

"Three months ago?" Evelynn yelled, her voice breaking. "I was in a coma for three months?" She questioned fixated on her court. Blank stares continued as the Commander continued,

"The country's army was fighting against the Eramadam on the beaches of Delta. Both forces fought tirelessly, relentlessly but after you were injured your Highness, Eramada called a retreat leaving us to win the territory back momentarily."

Evelynn lowered her head to gaze at the floor. 

"Your injury," He paused. Evelynn placed a hand on her abdomen, feeling the long closing wound on her stomach. "Was that of great concern as the King ordered for your survival from both sides."

Evelynn scoffed before placing her hands on the table.

"His Highnesses' Forces snuck in however, through the night."

Evelynn glared at the Commander, his jaw clenching at the words.

"The King-"

"No," Evelynn spoke pointing a finger at him. "Do not finish that sentence."

The Commander's jaw clenched and his tongue rolled in his mouth before parting his lips, pity plastered on his scar-ridden face.

"They are all gone Evelynn."

Evelynn shook her head in disbelief. "No" she mouthed her eyes glazing over. "No"

"You're the Queen now."

It was a stab through the heart. A torpedo to an already sinking ship. Evelynn fell to the ground, her hands slipping off the table, a glass falling to the ground with her. The remaining court walked behind her as she sobbed on the floor. As Evelynn peeled herself off the floor, helped by her Commander, they were all plagued by a whirlwind of emotions. They all knelled before shouting,

"Long live Queen Evelynn Althea,"


Evelynn stood her armour clinking crown atop her head. A cold sapphire blue encrusted with silver wrapped around her black locks. She tilted her head high and held the silver orb in her right hand, the scepter in the left. As the Archbishop wiped the oil in a line across her forehead, her eyes glowed and her pupils thinned. And there she wept as the Archbishop recited,

"Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Athrolila until you die. Through blood and fire, flood and ice, until the day you die."

"I solemnly promise so to do," A blank hounding response escaped from her lips.

"Will you, to your power create Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?"

"I will." She recited.

"Will you to the utmost of your power maintain the Laws. Will you to the utmost of your power maintain protect the people. Will you maintain and preserve inviolably the settlement of the Kingdom, and the doctrine, worship, discipline, and government thereof, as by law established in Athrolila?"

"All this I promise to achieve for the greater of the country, I will perform and keep. So help me Gods." Evelynn lowered to her knees and spoke the oath in Ancient Athrolilan, "For my people, for my Kingdom I shall value wisdom over dictatorship, loyalty over dominion, love over hate so help me Gods,"

"Arise Queen Evelynn Althea of Athrolila."

She rose.

"Long live the Queen,"

"Long live the Queen," Her people echoed back and rhythmically applauded her.


Evelynn stood on the makeshift stage, the wood creaking from underneath her feet. Her crown was heavy on her head, her armour clanking together like industrial machinery. She stared off into the horizon the oranges and yellows of dawn breaking over the dark hills. Evelynn adverted her gaze back to the thousands of soldiers sprawled at her wake. Her people: her army.

"You know not will become of you. So I offer you this," She spoke; commanding silence. "I offer you the most blessed reprieve, the most dreadful misery, you will all suffer the indignity of serving me. But you shall be reigned by a different Queen. One that leads you to battle; to victory. To win a war which will grant us all peace, to take back our land, and let our children sleep peacefully at night. If not then I will die for it. This Crown means nothing without the sacrifice of Athrolila- from you all. And with endless gratitude I will lead you to peace until death rips it from my arms. Long live Athrolila,"


The Kingdoms of Blue and Green.Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin